Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

It's a Divisional Representative Election Year!

The Staff Council Division Representative Nominees for the 2024 – 2026 term are ready for the election!

Thanks to all the Staff members who took the time to submit a nomination(s)!!

And special thanks to the Nominees for agreeing to participate in the election and willingness to represent Divisional Staff as a member of CMU Staff Council!!!

To help you cast your Divisional Representative votes, the Nominees have provided their CMU election profile information.  Please click here to start your review:  Divisional Rep Nominees

Staff Council Representatives Responsibilities:

  • Attend the general body meeting on the third Thursday of every month
  • Serve on at least one standing committee
  • Communicate information to their colleagues
  • Serve a two-year term


Do you want to get involved with other colleagues and be part of a networking opportunity? Consider serving as a Staff Council Representative.

Represent your department by nominating yourself or someone else for a seat on Staff Council.

Easy as 1, 2, 3:

  • Serve on 1 committee
  • Complete a 2 year term
  • Attend a meeting at noon on the 3rd Thursday of every month

Join, participate and make an impact. It's FUN!

General Elections

Staff Council conducts elections of campus representatives on an annual basis. A representative's term lasts for two years. Elections for Divisional Representatives are held biennially and elections for At-Large Representatives are held in alternate years. All full-time and part-time Carnegie Mellon staff who are not represented by Faculty Senate or a collective bargaining unit are eligible for nomination. Staff Council seeks representatives from all departments and areas and encourages you to nominate yourself! 

Officer Elections

Staff Council officers are the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. Elections for officers is held every year in May with the exception of the Chair who automatically becomes Chair after serving as Vice Chair. Officer Position Descriptions [pdf].

How Does Staff Council Operate?

Staff Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at noon. Representatives are expected to actively participate in meetings and on standing committees. They are responsible for maintaining the communication link between Staff Council and staff. Officers are elected annually at the General Body meeting following the general Staff Council election.

What Do Committees Do?

Standing Committees

Committees work on issues and prepare recommendations to the council. Standing committees are: Benefits, Communications; DEI+B Governance, Elections & Membership; Food Drive, Kennywood & Entertainment Discounts, Relations Guidance Advisory Committee, Rewards & Recognition, Take Our Children to Work, Sustainability, and Wellness.

University Committees

Staff Council representatives also serve as liaisons to other University Councils, Committees, and Task Forces. The liaisons are responsible for maintaining communications between the respective body and Staff Council.

Representative Duties and Responsibilities

There are three main responsibilities of a staff council representative:

  1. Communication with Constituents
    The Staff Council representative’s most important role is to serve as a conduit to your constituents, providing important information about opportunities for personal and professional development, ways to become more involved on campus, and university policies which affect staff members.
  2. Service on a Committee
    The work of Staff Council is accomplished through committees. A committee structure is a time- honored way to spread the responsibilities among all members. You are required to serve on one standing committee, but you are free to serve on additional committees.
  3. Attendance at Meetings
    Be present at General Body meetings so that you remain informed for your constituents. Absence from four meetings within the Staff Council business year (July – August) without appropriate notice is cause for dismissal from Council. Prior notice about an absence should be directed to the president and/or secretary.