Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Anne Hassett

Anne Hassett

Staff Council Administrator, TES

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

I started at CMU in 2022.

I was appointed by the Chair to serve as Staff Council Administrator.

Briefly tell us in your own words what work you do at CMU…
My work with the CMU Staff Council is to maintain the Staff Council Website and provide electronic support for the Staff Council.

During my term, I would like to see Staff Council continue staff engagement of Advocacy, Involvement and Impact to foster advancement of  initiatives.  Looking forward to e-supporting the Staff Council and encouraging committee members to let me know how I can assist with website updates.

What is your favorite quote?  "Change is the only constant" from Heraclitus of Ephesus (535 BC – 475BC), an Ancient Greek philosopher.