Major Administrative Systems Governance
The Major Administrative Systems Governance body is composed of owners/stewards of enterprise IT systems driving our largest IT investments. The goal is to pre-qualify investment proposals and coordinate schedules for long-term initiatives to smooth the magnitude of IT investments across fiscal years, accounting for periodic renewal initiatives and on-going costs of support and maintenance of automation tools. It will present a consensus annual slate of coordinated proposals to the University IT Portfolio Management (UITPM) process for consideration.
- Currently interacts with the activities related to the major Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.
- Collaboratively plans roadmaps and investment strategies to propose to the Executive Management Team (EMT) proposals of suggested strategic effort.
- Manages and maintains a twenty-year view (ten-year retrospective and ten-year future roadmap) for all the qualifying systems.
The MASG is composed of the various IT leaders responsible for the major enterprise system used on campus to operate the university’s various diverse and robust business functions. These leaders represent not only the concerns and needs of the systems they oversee but act as a conduit to the various business functions they represent.