Additional Major in Biomedical Engineering
Students who elect Biomedical Engineering (BME) as a major must also declare a major in one of the traditional engineering disciplines: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering. The Biomedical Engineering additional major program takes advantage of curricular overlaps between Biomedical Engineering and traditional engineering majors, such that the additional major can be completed in four years with only a modest increase in course requirements. The requirements for Biomedical Engineering consist of the core, the tracks, and the capstone design course. The core exposes students to basic facets of biomedical engineering to lay a foundation. The tracks allow students to build depth in a specific aspect of biomedical engineering. The capstone design engages students in teamwork to develop real-world applications. The additional major in Biomedical Engineering should be declared at the same time when declaring a traditional engineering major or by the second semester of the first year.
Program Requirements
Student majoring in Biomedical Engineering must meet three sets of requirements: 1) Biomedical Engineering 2) Traditional engineering discipline 3) CIT General Education sequence. The Quality Point Average (QPA) for courses that count toward the additional major must be 2.00 or higher. No course taken on a pass/fail or audit basis may be counted toward the additional major.
Core Courses (all required)
03-121 Modern Biology or 03151 Honors Modern Biology - Fall and Spring
42-101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering - Fall and Spring
42-201 Professional Issues in Biomedical Engineering - Fall and Spring
42-202 Physiology - Fall and Spring
42-203 Biomedical Engineering Laboratory# - Fall and Spring
42-302 Biomedical Engineering Systems Modeling and Analysis - Fall and Spring
42-401 Foundations of Biomedical Engineering Design * - Fall
42-402 Biomedical Engineering Design Project *– Spring
# Also known as 03-206 for Health Professions Program students.
* 42-401 serves as the precursor/pre-requisite for 42-402 Biomedical Engineering Design Project.
Tracks (completion of one track is required)
- Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (BMTE) - Classes of 2024 to 2026 only
- Biomechanics (BMEC)
- Biomedical Devices (BMDV)
- Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (BSIP)
- Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology (CMBT) - Classes of 2024 to 2026 only
- Neuroengineering (NEURO)
- Tissue and Cell Biotherapeutics (TCB)
- Self-Designed Biomedical Engineering (SBME)