Carnegie Mellon University

Mark Bier

Mark Bier

Research Professor, Chemistry
Director, Center for Molecular Analysis

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


  • 2010–present Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon
  • 2005–2010 Associate Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon
  • 1996–2005 Assistant Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon
  • 1996–present Director, Center for Molecular Analysis
  • 1988–1996 Scientist, ThermoFisher Scientific (Finnigan)


Dr. Bier's research includes the development of mass spectrometry (MS) instrumentation for the analysis of macromolecules. We are developing mass spectrometers that incorporate superconducting tunnel junction (STJ) detectors for improve macromolecular analysis of bio- and nanoparticles from viruses to carbon nanotubes. We are also developing new membrane inlet MS tools and ionization methods to improve the analysis of small molecules in water and air.