Carnegie Mellon University

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Annual Report: IMPACT

The Scott Institute's Annual Report showcases how we addresses the world’s most important energy-related challenges through collaborative research, strategic partnerships, public policy outreach, entrepreneurship and education.

View the LATEST EDITION & PAST reportS




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Media Mentions

Our faculty affiliates and staff are making energy news at the local, national and international level every day with their cutting-edge research and technologies.

Notable media outlets turn to CMU experts to weigh in on energy issues and challenges.

Want to learn more about CMU's impact on the energy industry?

Read our media highlights


The Scott Institute has produced a series of videos to educate the public and policymakers about key energy innovation issues. You can watch our Distinguished Lectures and Seminars on the Scott Institute YouTube Channel!


Keep up to date with Scott Institute’s Faculty Affiliate podcast features by following our Spotify playlist.