Carnegie Mellon University

Applications for Carnegie Mellon Students for the Integrated Master's/Bachelor's Program

Biomedical Engineering allows a streamlined application process for qualified CIT and MCS students to enter its accelerated BME M.S. program, by dramatically reducing the required documents and waiving the application fee.


  • Streamlined application process for the BME M.S. Program
  • No GRE scores or recommendation letters required
  • No application fee
  • Admission as early as Spring semester of the junior year or as late as within one year of graduation
  • Counting qualified BME courses unused for the B.S. degree
  • Flexible curriculum adaptable to both CIT and MCS students with various career goals including Health Professions
  • Application deadline: April 30


  • Applying to the BME M.S. program (only)
  • Completed at least the first semester of the junior year, or within a year of graduation from CMU
  • BME additional major with an overall QPA of at least 3.0, or Non-BME CIT or MCS student with an overall QPA of at least 3.3; students with a slightly lower QPA may inquire the Graduate Program Administrator about the procedure of admission.

 Students who do not meet the above criteria, and students applying for programs other than the IMB BME MS programs, must follow the procedure on the general admissions page. However, application fee is waived for all CMU students regardless.

Please direct inquiries to Maryia Rakach