Carnegie Mellon University
The Word

Student Handbook

Community Standards Violations

The following are groups of violations that constitute misconduct for which members of the student body may be held accountable. This list references policies that may be outlined in greater detail in this online handbook or other campus resources. The university is not limited by this list nor by other published policies when it initiates community standards actions since it is not possible to anticipate all of the behavior of a college population. Additionally, university departments and units may maintain specific policies or guidelines enforceable by their respective procedures separate from community standards action (e.g. University Libraries, Parking Services, Environmental Health and Safety, Office for Institutional Equity and Title IX, etc.). The university reserves the right to review off-campus incidents to determine if a violation of community standards has occurred and whether resolution through the appropriate process is warranted. 

Students at Carnegie Mellon are members of an academic community dedicated to the achievement of excellence. Therefore, students are expected to meet the highest standards of integrity in their conduct. Failure to meet the expectations of high standards of integrity may be reviewed through the university community standards process.

Examples of violations of community standards in relation to integrity include, but are not limited to:

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Carnegie Mellon University holds as its highest priority the welfare of its community members. Any behavior that places individuals or the community at risk for harm may be reviewed through the university community standards process. The outcomes that may result from this type of behavior may be severe.

Examples of violations of community standards in relation to the welfare of others include, but are not limited to:

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The care and upkeep of our campus buildings, grounds, and facilities are critical to providing students, faculty, and staff with an environment that is conducive to learning. Any behavior that jeopardizes the maintenance of the campus or an individual's property may be reviewed through the university community standards process.

Examples of violations of community standards in relation to property include, but are not limited to:

  • Damage to or destruction of property
  • Improper placement of posters/banners
  • Improper possession of property
  • Irresponsible use of university property or services
  • Operation of vehicles in restricted areas
  • Propping open doors that are kept locked for security purposes
  • Repairing and storing vehicles, motorized or otherwise, in unauthorized university spaces
  • Tents, encampments and structures
  • Theft, including but not limited to larceny, embezzlement, fraud, or by way of robbery
  • Trespassing on a roof, parapet, and/or other non-public areas
  • Unauthorized possession or use of keys or access cards
  • Unauthorized tapping into or altering university utility lines
  • Vandalism
  • Violation of the Carnegie Mellon University Housing Services Policies
  • Willful destruction of, disabling, or damaging computer facilities, equipment, or software

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Carnegie Mellon has established basic guidelines that have been approved by students, staff, and faculty. These policies ensure the safe and functional operation of the university. Students are expected to abide by these policies at all times. Failure to abide by these guidelines may be reviewed through the university community standards process.

Examples of violations of community standards in relation to health, safety, and security include, but are not limited to:

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