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Press Release: Robotics Technology Consortium, Carnegie Mellon and Innovation Accelerator Organize First RoboBowl Competition
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Press Release: Robotics Technology Consortium, Carnegie Mellon and Innovation Accelerator Organize First RoboBowl Competition
The competition is the first of what is expected to be a series of new venture competitions intended to find and foster start-up and early-stage companies seeking to develop "big idea" products and services in health care, manufacturing, national defense, education, and other domains based on next-generation robotics technology.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
News Brief: Reddy, Feigenbaum Named to AI Hall of Fame
The IEEE Computer Society's IEEE Intelligent Systems magazine has chosen Raj Reddy, the Mozah Bint Nasser Professor of Computer Science and Robotics; Edward Feigenbaum, Stanford University professor emeritus and Ph.D. alum of Carnegie Mellon, and eight other trailblazers in artificial intelligence research as inductees into the inaugural IEEE Intelligent Systems Hall of Fame.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Press Release: CMU's Jim Daniels Tells More Tales of the Motor City in "Trigger Man"
In his latest collection of short stories, Daniels, the Thomas Stockham Baker Professor of English at Carnegie Mellon, infuses humor into grim circumstances that his characters face because of dire industrial and economic situations.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Christopher Bettinger Recognized as Top Young Innovator by Technology Review
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Christopher Bettinger Recognized as Top Young Innovator by Technology Review
Carnegie Mellon's Christopher Bettinger, who is developing new materials to advance the medical device industry, has been selected by Technology Review magazine as one of the world's 35 top innovators under the age of 35.
Media Advisory: CMU's Engineering College To Host Media Panel Commemorating 10th Anniversary of 9/11
Monday, August 22, 2011
Media Advisory: CMU's Engineering College To Host Media Panel Commemorating 10th Anniversary of 9/11
A decade after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America, a panel of media experts hosted by Carnegie Mellon University's Pradeep K. Khosla will discuss the global lessons learned from the tragic event. The discussion will be held from noon to 1 p.m., Friday, Sept. 9 in the Singleton Room of Roberts Engineering Hall.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon University Press Publishes "An Uncommon Field," First Book Celebrating Flight 93 Temporary Memorial
Monday, August 22, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon University Press Publishes "An Uncommon Field," First Book Celebrating Flight 93 Temporary Memorial
"An Uncommon Field," a new book of photography and prose published by Carnegie Mellon University Press, celebrates what came to be known as the Flight 93 Temporary Memorial through the eyes of Richard Snodgrass, a Pittsburgh-based photographer and author.
Press Release: CMU Researchers Outline Ways To Advance Scientific Thinking Based on Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Press Release: CMU Researchers Outline Ways To Advance Scientific Thinking Based on Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
Science educators aim to nurture, enrich and sustain children's natural and spontaneous interest in scientific knowledge using many different approaches. In a new paper published in "Science," Carnegie Mellon University's David Klahr and Jamie Jirout and Illinois State University's Corinne Zimmerman use psychology research to outline ways to advance the science of science instruction.
Press Release: CMU Researchers Find Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Controversial Drilling at Marcellus Shale Sites Statewide
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Press Release: CMU Researchers Find Fewer Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Controversial Drilling at Marcellus Shale Sites Statewide
"Marcellus Shale gas emits 50 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than any U.S. coal-fired plant," said Chris Hendrickson, the Duquesne Light Co. Professor of Engineering and co-director of the Green Design Institute at Carnegie Mellon. "We favor extraction of Marcellus Shale natural gas as long as the extraction is managed to minimize adverse economic, environmental and social impacts."
Photo Advisory: Carnegie Mellon Welcomes First-Year Students to Campus Aug. 21
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Photo Advisory: Carnegie Mellon Welcomes First-Year Students to Campus Aug. 21
Billed as "the largest icebreaker ever," Playfair marks the first time the Class of 2015 will assemble as a group. Students and staff will gather on the Cut for games, activities and mingling from 8:30 to 10 p.m., Monday, Aug. 22.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Looking for High School Girls Who Want To Build Robots, Win Competitions
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Looking for High School Girls Who Want To Build Robots, Win Competitions
The Girls of Steel, a team of young women that contends in the annual FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics Competition, will host an open house for prospective members and their families from 1 to 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 10 at Carnegie Mellon's Pittsburgh campus.
Traffic Advisory: Two Oakland Streets To Close Aug. 21 as First-Year Students Move in at Carnegie Mellon
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Traffic Advisory: Two Oakland Streets To Close Aug. 21 as First-Year Students Move in at Carnegie Mellon
The 5100 block of Margaret Morrison Street, between Forbes Avenue and Tech Street, and the 100 block of Tech Street, between Margaret Morrison Street and Schenley Drive, will be closed to through traffic from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 21, to accommodate approximately 1,440 first-year students who will be moving into their residence halls for a weeklong orientation program and the start of the fall semester.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Silicon Valley Campus Launches Novel Entrepreneurship Program
Monday, August 15, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Silicon Valley Campus Launches Novel Entrepreneurship Program
America's entrepreneurial spirit will get a jump-start as Carnegie Mellon's Silicon Valley campus launches an accelerated Entrepreneurship Program in the heart of Silicon Valley's idea factories.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Scientists Discover How Molecular Motors Go Into "Energy Save Mode"
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon Scientists Discover How Molecular Motors Go Into "Energy Save Mode"
The transport system inside living cells is a well-oiled machine with tiny protein motors hauling chromosomes, neurotransmitters and other vital cargo around the cell. These molecular motors are responsible for a variety of critical transport jobs, but they are not always on the go. They can put themselves into "energy save mode" to conserve cellular fuel and, as a consequence, control what gets moved around the cell, and when.
News Brief: Robots Get Real in National Geographic
Thursday, August 11, 2011
News Brief: Robots Get Real in National Geographic
"Robots Get Real," an article in the August 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine discusses Robotics Institute projects, including the Home Exploring Robotic Butler (HERB).
Press Release: CMU's Nicolas Christin Finds Web Hackers Profiting From Illegal Online Pharmacies
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Press Release: CMU's Nicolas Christin Finds Web Hackers Profiting From Illegal Online Pharmacies
A growing number of illegal online pharmacies are flooding the Web trying to sell dangerous unauthorized prescriptions, according to a new report from cybersecurity experts at Carnegie Mellon University.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Gregory Ganger and Priya Narasimhan To Head Two New Intel Science and Technology Centers
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Gregory Ganger and Priya Narasimhan To Head Two New Intel Science and Technology Centers
Carnegie Mellon University's Gregory Ganger and Priya Narasimhan will head two new Intel Science and Research Centers (ISTC) based at CMU that will focus on cloud and embedded computing. Each center involves multiple universities and will receive $15 million over the next five years.
Press Release: Disney, Carnegie Mellon Researchers Build 3D Face Models That Give Animators Intuitive Control of Expressions
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Press Release: Disney, Carnegie Mellon Researchers Build 3D Face Models That Give Animators Intuitive Control of Expressions
Flashing a wink and a smirk might be second nature for some people, but computer animators can be hard-pressed to depict such an expression realistically.
Press Release: Disney Research Pittsburgh Demonstrates Tactile Tech Guaranteed To Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Monday, August 08, 2011
Press Release: Disney Research Pittsburgh Demonstrates Tactile Tech Guaranteed To Send Shivers Down Your Spine
A new tactile technology developed at Disney Research, Pittsburgh (DRP), called Surround Haptics, makes it possible for video game players and film viewers to feel a wide variety of sensations, from the smoothness of a finger being drawn against skin to the jolt of a collision.
Press Release: Body-Mounted Cameras Turn Motion Capture Inside Out
Monday, August 08, 2011
Press Release: Body-Mounted Cameras Turn Motion Capture Inside Out
Traditional motion capture techniques use cameras to meticulously record the movements of actors inside studios, enabling those movements to be translated into digital models. But by turning the cameras around - mounting almost two dozen, outward-facing cameras on the actors themselves - scientists at Disney Research, Pittsburgh (DRP), and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have shown that motion capture can occur almost anywhere - in natural environments, over large areas and outdoors.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Onur Mutlu Wins IEEE Computer Society's Young Computer Architect Award
Monday, August 08, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Onur Mutlu Wins IEEE Computer Society's Young Computer Architect Award
This is the first year for the award, which recognizes outstanding research and educational contributions in the field of computer architecture by an individual who has received his Ph.D. within six years of his nomination.
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Miller Gallery Opens New Section of Pittsburgh Biennial
Monday, August 08, 2011
Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Miller Gallery Opens New Section of Pittsburgh Biennial
The Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University opens a new section of the 2011 Pittsburgh Biennial, Sept. 17 - Dec. 11, featuring five new installations, including sculpture, printmaking, painting, video, publications and workshops.
News Brief: Apollo Group Acquires Carnegie Learning
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
News Brief: Apollo Group Acquires Carnegie Learning
The Apollo Group, Inc. yesterday announced that it had entered into an agreement to acquire Carnegie Learning, Inc., a publisher of research-based math curricula including the adaptive Cognitive Tutor® math software, for $75 million. In a separate transaction, Apollo also announced would acquire related technology from Carnegie Mellon University for $21.5 million, payable over a 10-year period.
News Brief: Treuille Named a 2011 PopTech Fellow
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
News Brief: Treuille Named a 2011 PopTech Fellow
PopTech, the global social innovation incubator and thought leadership network, has announced that Adrien Treuille, assistant professor of computer science and robotics, is one of its ten Science and Public Leadership Fellows for 2011.
Press Release: New CMU Brain Imaging Research Reveals Why Autistic Individuals Confuse Pronouns
Monday, August 01, 2011
Press Release: New CMU Brain Imaging Research Reveals Why Autistic Individuals Confuse Pronouns
A new brain imaging study published in the journal "Brain" by scientists at Carnegie Mellon University provides an explanation as to why autistic individuals' use of the wrong pronoun is more than simply a word choice problem.
Media Advisory: CMU's College of Engineering and the Information Networking Institute Host Program To Educate Cub Scouts About Engineering Careers
Monday, August 01, 2011
Media Advisory: CMU's College of Engineering and the Information Networking Institute Host Program To Educate Cub Scouts About Engineering Careers
Thirty members of Allegheny Valley's Cub Scout Pack 445 will get hands-on experience in identifying and learning to cope with cyber bullies at a new "Scouting for Engineers" program from 10 a.m. to Noon, Monday, Aug. 1 at Baker Hall 140c and Tung AU Lab.
Press Release: Face Recognition Software, Social Media Sites Increase Privacy Risks, Says New Carnegie Mellon Study
Monday, August 01, 2011
Press Release: Face Recognition Software, Social Media Sites Increase Privacy Risks, Says New Carnegie Mellon Study
It is possible to identify strangers and gain their personal information - perhaps even their social security numbers - by using face recognition software and social media profiles, according to a new study by Carnegie Mellon University's Alessandro Acquisti and his research team.
News Brief: USA, Estonia, Russia Win Gold at Linguistics Olympiad
Monday, August 01, 2011
News Brief: USA, Estonia, Russia Win Gold at Linguistics Olympiad
Teams from the United States and Russia took top honors at the Ninth International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL) at Carnegie Mellon. In individual competition, students from the U.S., Russia and Estonia each took home gold medals.
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