Carnegie Mellon University

Four-Year-Old Preschool Program

Four-Year-Old Preschool Team Pictured (l-r): David Allen, Jean BirdKrista Aylwin and Navjeet Randhava

Classroom Schedule

Greeting and Free Time
8:30-9:15 AM

Teachers greet each family at their car and escort the children to the school.

Circle Time
9:15-9:45 AM

Children meet with their teacher in their group area to discuss the school day, learn about key concepts related to the monthly theme and share experiences.

Snack Time
9:45-10:05 AM

Children meet with their teachers for bathroom time and snack.

Outside Play
10:05-11:05 AM
(Fridays 10:05-10:55 AM)

Children go outside to play every day except in extreme cold and rainy weather. Children choose from a variety of outdoor activities including sand play, water and mud play, tricycle riding, dramatic play, block building, ball games, and climbing and sliding on the playground structure.

Activity Time
11:05 AM-12:05 PM
(Fridays 10:55 AM, 11:50 AM Dismissal)

Children choose independent and/or teacher-directed activities that strengthen skills in all developmental domains.

Music and Movement
12:05 AM-12:20 PM
(Monday through Thursday only)

Children choose independent and/or teacher-directed activities that strengthen skills in all developmental domains.

12:20-12:50 PM
(Monday through Thursday only)


Early Dismissal, Circle & Calm Activities
12:50-1:30 PM
(Monday through Thursday only)



Outside Play
1:30-2:20 PM
(Monday through Thursday only)

Pack Up and Dismissal
2:20-2:30 PM
(Monday through Thursday, 11:55 AM on Friday)

The children are escorted to the dismissal area and the teachers help them into their cars.