Carnegie Mellon University

Our Unique Approach

Learning Foundations

Children are born equipped to explore the world via their senses and bodies, as well as to acquire knowledge and skills via basic learning mechanisms. Prior to entering our program, children have developed unique personalities, learning styles, and interests. Our goal is to facilitate and strengthen this natural developmental process during the preschool and kindergarten years, with sensitivity to individual differences, so that each child will have solid foundations for effective learning in elementary school and beyond.

Goals - Program - Assessment

We use developmental goals as a systematic framework for focusing our program and assessment design. Our teachers are well versed in a wide variety of educational approaches, and we choose teaching strategies, daily routines, classroom arrangements, and curriculum structure that will encourage each child's development. Teacher observations and documentation of individual progress are used to adjust the program to better challenge individual growth, as well as to conference with parents about ways we can work as a team to support each child.

Six Basic Learning Goals

We have specified learning goals for 3, 4, and 5-year-olds in each of the following categories:

Self-Esteem & Independence
Encouraging each child's growing self-concept and confidence, as well as increasingly independent self-regulation and self care.
Interaction & Cooperation
Promoting children's social skills for effective adjustment to school, group participation, classroom citizenship, and peer interactions.
Facilitating comprehension and expression skills beginning with oral language (listening & speaking) and progressing to written language (reading & writing).
Discovery & Exploration
Fostering a positive attitude toward learning through scientific and mathematical inquiry with varied materials to build strong concepts related to diverse themes.
Physical Capabilities / Health & Safety
Giving children opportunities to develop small and large motor skills, healthy living habits, and essential safety practices.
Artistic Expression and Appreciation
Cultivating each child's ability to express ideas and emotions through art, drama, and music and movement, as well as to appreciate the artistic expressions of others.