Carnegie Mellon University

Our History

The Children’s School originally served as the Child Development Laboratory for the Margaret Morrison Carnegie College, the women’s college for Carnegie Technical Schools.

During the 1968 - 69 school year, the vision of Dr. Ann Baldwin Taylor, the administrative support of Dr. John Sandberg, and a grant from the Esso Foundation converged to provide space and funding for the  program to move from a house on Margaret Morrison Street to its current location and to expand from approximately 12 to 45 preschool children. At that time, the school functioned as a site for teaching experience and behavioral observation, and it was the hub of the Early Childhood Cooperative Teacher - Education Program. In the 1970 - 1971 school year, the school’s name changed to the “Children’s School,” as a purposeful reminder if its commitment to the progressive education principles of John Dewey. When MMCC closed in 1973, with the administrative support of Dr. Erwin Steinberg, the school became part of the Department of Psychology. Dr. Taylor continued as the director until her retirement in 1993, at which time Dr. Sharon M. Carver (CMU ‘86) returned to the university to assume the leadership role.

Honoring Founder, Dr. Ann Baldwin Taylor

The educators of The Children's School are pleased to announce the naming of The Ann Baldwin Taylor Early Childhood Scholarship Fund for the Carnegie Mellon University Children's School.

We wish to honor Dr. Ann Baldwin Taylor, Children's School Founding Director 1968-1993, and her legacy by providing a venue for children of all economic levels to benefit from a Children's School education. A wonderful developmentally appropriate education for young children exists at Carnegie Mellon University Children's School because of Ann. In 1968, her vision of a progressive, experiential learning environment, along with exemplary leadership, professional development, and a supportive community, laid the foundation for the Children's School's current success.

Miss Hancock arranged a reception in Ann's honor on Sunday, December 20, 2015. She, Dr. Carver, Mrs. Bird, and retired teacher Judy Smalley attended the celebration (pictured below), along with educator Judy Hallinen, who now heads CMU's Gelfand Center for Service Learning and Outreach. Donations can be made to the Ann Baldwin Taylor Early Childhood Scholarship Fund.