Carnegie Mellon University

The Word

Student Handbook


The community standards outcomes defined below comprise a range of official action that may be imposed by the University for violations of community standards. One or more of these actions may be imposed in response to a given situation. This list is not comprehensive, as other outcomes may be utilized as appropriate.

When outcomes are decided as part of the community standards process, the educational and developmental needs of the involved student and the welfare of the community will be considered with utmost importance. The outcomes categories (i.e. student status, restorative and restrictive) are intended to clarify the role and purpose of the various actions. The determination of outcomes will be guided by the following considerations: the interests of the community, the impact of the violation, documented community standards history, and any mitigating or aggravating circumstances.

Non-compliance with imposed or agreed-upon outcomes may result in further action through the community standards process. Students with two (2) community standards violations within and academic year may immediately be placed in disciplinary probation. Student involved in three (3) violation within an academic year may be referred to the University Disciplinary Committee.

Outcomes related to student standing

These outcomes clarify the student’s standing with the University. Additional violations of community standards may result in more severe outcomes including separation from the University.

  • Warning: For minor infractions, a student may be issued a written warning. The warning will be noted in the event of any further infractions of community standards and may justify consideration of more severe outcomes. While a warning may influence future actions related to student standing, a warning alone does not affect student standing.
  • Residential Probation: An official notice to a residential student that conduct with regard to university housing regulations or policies has been unacceptable and that future violation of university regulations may result in more serious community standards action, including the possible loss of campus residency. Probation lasts for a stated period of time.
  • Disciplinary Probation: For a second infraction or for a single offense of a more serious nature, a student may be placed on disciplinary probation for a designated period of time, during which subsequent community standards violations may result in suspension or expulsion. A student on probation is still considered to be in good standing with the university.
  • Disciplinary Suspension: A student may be barred from enrollment for a designated period of time. Students who have been suspended are required to absent themselves from the campus (including but not limited to university housing, fraternity or sorority houses, offices, labs, and libraries) within a maximum of two days after the action and to remain off the campus for the duration of the time specified as outlined in the University Policy on Student Suspension/Required Withdrawal. A student on disciplinary suspension is not eligible to register for courses, attend classes, live in university housing, use campus facilities, be on university property, participate in student activities, be an active member of a student organization, or be employed by the university during the period of suspension.
  • Expulsion: The student is required to sever entirely their connection with the university. Students who have been expelled are required to absent themselves from university property (including but not limited to university housing, fraternity or sorority houses, offices, labs, and libraries) within a maximum of two days after the action and to remain off the campus permanently. Students who have been expelled from the university may not apply for admission to other academic programs at the university.

For complaints under the Sexual Misconduct Policy (Interim) the associate vice president of student affairs for community life or designee may consider the following outcomes:

  • Suspension of a Conferred Degree: A previously conferred degree is suspended and the transcript will no longer reflect a completed degree. The degree will remain suspended until the time specified and any pending outcomes are completed.  During the duration of the degree suspension, the individual is prohibited from: representing that they have obtained a degree from Carnegie Mellon University; enrolling at Carnegie Mellon University; being present on University property; or participating in any events or activities sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University, including those for alumni.
  • Revocation of a Conferred Degree: A previously conferred degree is revoked and the transcript will no longer reflect a completed degree. The individual is prohibited from: representing that they have obtained a degree from Carnegie Mellon University; enrolling at Carnegie Mellon University in the future; being present on University property; or participating in any events or activities sponsored by Carnegie Mellon University, including those for alumni.

Restorative Outcomes

These outcomes require the student to take action to repair the harm their behavior caused or to utilize university resources to support their continued engagement in the community.  Failure to complete these outcomes by the specified deadline may result in additional community standards action.

  • Behavioral Assessments and Recommendations: The University may require a student to meet with a health care provider and/or a mental health care provider within a specified time frame. If so, the student will be expected to fully participate in any relevant assessment requested by the provider and complete any consequent recommendation(s), such as a treatment plan or a referral to another provider. The student is expected to provide the appropriate releases to allow the university to confirm compliance with this outcome.
  • Community Service: The University may require uncompensated service (a specified number of hours) to the university or an off-campus, non-profit organization as an outcome. The particular assignment of duties must be pre-approved through the appropriate university adjudicator. Students must provide appropriate documentation verifying their completed community service. Failure to complete the service satisfactorily within the specified period of time may result in further action through the community standards process.
  • Educational/Developmental Assignment: The University may require a student to complete a project, assignment, or activity to promote the student’s education and development. These assignments are at the discretion of the university adjudicator or University Disciplinary Committee. Assignments may include but are not limited to: reflection or research paper, development of a presentation, discussion with an individual, apology letter, reading assignment, etc.
  • Restitution: In cases where a student is found responsible for damaging or misappropriating physical property, the student may be responsible for reimbursing the property owner for all or some of the cost.

Restrictive Outcomes

These outcomes prevent a student from engaging in certain activities, being present in certain spaces or engaging with individuals during a specific time period. Violation of a restriction may lead to additional community standards action.

  • Loss of Privilege: Students may lose specified privileges, which may include access to facilities, services, and/or the opportunity to participate in university activities.
  • Loss of Residency in University Housing: An action that excludes a student or student group from residence in university housing for a stated period of time. A student who loses residency in university housing shall be considered for future housing accommodations once the period of debarment is concluded and as space permits.
  • No Contact Order: A No Contact Order is a directive from an associate vice president of student affairs or designee indicating that two students may not have direct contact with each other, or make indirect contact through third parties, except for that which is necessary for their academic pursuits. A No Contact Order may be issued in connection with the community standards process, either as an interim measure during the pendency of the process and/or an outcome associated with a finding of responsibility from the process.
  • Room Reassignment: An action where a student is assigned to either another room in the same house community or a room in another house community. When a student is assigned to another house community, specific restrictions concerning the previous community may be invoked.

Outcomes Available Pursuant to the Sexual Misconduct Policy

In addition, for violations of the Sexual Misconduct Policy (Interim), the university reserves the right to impose any sanction listed in Appendix A: Possible Sanctions and Remedies to the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

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