Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Relations, Guidance and Advisory Committee

The mission of the Staff Council Relations Guidance Advisory Committee (RGAC) is to serve as a confidential and objective peer resource to university staff experiencing a workplace issue(s) to help ensure fair staff relations and to support the university’s commitment to equality, ethical behavior and respect for others.

The RGAC committee is comprised of neutral, unbiased, responsible employees who are available to any staff member seeking confidential supportive listening, information about available resources, referrals, and /or options for potential resolutions.

Contact Disclaimer Statement:
  • If you have any specific questions about a legal matter, you should consult your lawyer or other professional legal services provider.
  • RGAC members are not official agents of CMU, any and all suggestions, recommendations, feedback or advice of any kind, expressed or implied are given for informational purposes only. Suggestions made are not in the staff member’s official capacity for CMU.
  • Depending upon information shared regarding matters pertaining to sexual harassment, illegal and /or criminal violations, RGAC members are responsible employees and mandated to report officially or anonymously to Human Resources, Office of Title IX Initiatives, Ethics Reporting Hotline and Campus police.

Contacts Types:
  • Employment-hiring, salary-Job classification, promotion, lack of professional advancement / promotion, disciplinary action, probation, termination, failure to apply to university policy/protocol, retaliation,
  • Alleged discrimination: Gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran, sexual orientation, marital status.

Member Contact

Please fill out this contact form to connect with a RGAC Committee Member.

You may also reach out via email directly to RGAC Co-Chairs: Tina Marino and Lauren Vereb.