Carnegie Mellon University

Federal PLUS Loan Instructions

All Federal Parent and Graduate PLUS Loan borrowers will need to complete a Federal Direct PLUS Loan request/application AND a new Master Promissory Note (MPN). In addition, all Graduate PLUS Loan borrowers will need to complete Entrance Counseling.

First-Time Borrowers

Those (parent or graduate student) planning on borrowing a Federal PLUS Loan for the first time should wait to complete the application process (displayed below) until receiving a financial aid award letter. The award letter will be necessary in helping to determine the amount of the request. Families should not apply for a PLUS Loan earlier than June 1 since the PLUS Loan requires a credit approval that is only valid for 180 days.

Renewal Borrowers

Those (parent or graduate student) who previously borrowed a Federal PLUS Loan at Carnegie Mellon and plan to borrow for the upcoming academic year are required to complete a new Federal Direct PLUS Loan application at (instructions are displayed below). A Master Promissory Note signature and Entrance Counseling completion are not required.

Step 1: Complete the PLUS Loan Request/Application at 

  • Sign in using your Personal Identification Number (PIN) ( from the Department of Education
  • Select “Request PLUS Loan” under PLUS Loan Process
  • Select “Graduate PLUS Loan or Parent PLUS Loan” as the loan type
  • Provide personal information (citizenship, driver’s license, address, telephone number, etc.)
  • Provide employer information
  • Provide student and loan information (name, SSN, date of birth)
  • Select Pennsylvania as the School State in the drop down box
  • Select “Carnegie Mellon University”
  • Indicate the Loan Amount Requested
  • Review your application
  • Authorize a Credit Check and submit

Step 2: Complete the Master Promissory Note at 

  • If you haven’t already done so, sign in using your FAFSA ID (
  • Select “Complete MPN” under Master Promissory Note
  • Select “Graduate PLUS Loan or Parent PLUS Loan” as the loan type
  • Provide personal information (citizenship, driver’s license, address, telephone number, etc.)
  • Provide employer information
  • Provide student and loan information (name, SSN, date of birth)
  • Select “Carnegie Mellon University”
  • Provide reference information
  • Review Terms and Conditions, electronically sign and submit MPN
  • Print a copy of your MPN for your records

Please Note:

  • To view the website, use one of the following supported browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer (versions 6 or higher), Mozilla Firefox (versions 2 or 3.6.3), Apple Safari (version 4.
  • The entire MPN process must be completed in a single session, so be sure you have enough time to complete it. The MPN session takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.