Carnegie Mellon University

Learn more about sending mail to CMU campuses below. There is also additional information about faculty/staff incoming mail, as well as mail sent to student mail code (SMC) mailboxes.

Internal campus mail can only be used for items originating within the Pittsburgh campus. When receiving campus mail from others on CMU's campus, please ensure they address the mail and packages using the following format:

Campus Mail for Students
First and Last Name
SMC Number 

Campus Mail for Staff Members 
First and Last Name
Department, Building and Room Number.


If sending directly to a building, be sure to include the department name. All campus mail should include a return address (a contact name plus a department name or SMC mailbox number). Mail items should be sealed or packaged securely like regular mail. 

Campus mail items received before noon will normally be delivered on the next business day. Items received after noon will normally be delivered in two business days. Hazardous items restricted by USPS cannot be sent through campus mail.

When external (off-campus) mail is sent to CMU's campus via USPS, the following address formats should be used:

For recipients with an SMC mailbox number:

First and Last Name
Student Mail Code Number ("SMC xxxx")
Carnegie Mellon University
5032 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15289

For faculty/staff in a specific department:

Employee First and Last Name
Department Name, Building Abbreviation, Room Number
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

All USPS mail and parcels, including USPS Express Mail, are usually delivered one business day after arrival.

Please use the following formats for all non-Amazon Business deliveries sent through a private, non-USPS carrier, including DHL, FedEx, UPS and deliveries from suppliers. (Deliveries ordered through an Amazon Business account should use the separate Amazon Business account mailing format – see more details below.)

For recipients with an SMC mailbox number:

First and Last Name
Student Mail Code Number ("SMC xxxx")
Carnegie Mellon University
5032 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15289

For faculty/staff in a specific department:

First and Last Name
Department, Building Acronym
Building Street Address, Room Number
City, State, ZIP
(You must include all of this information in order to properly receive campus deliveries. Electronic forms may require slight adjustments – for instance, you may need to enter your department name into the Company Name field.)

All deliveries to CMU staff and departments on the Pittsburgh campus through a private carrier (not USPS) should use the appropriate building address from the CMU Master Building List [pdf]. (Do not use 5000 Forbes Avenue as the default street address unless you are mailing to Warner Hall, which is the only building on campus with an official street address of 5000 Forbes Avenue.) Items will then be delivered directly to the building address by that carrier.

Many private carriers have delivery windows outside of normal campus hours. Please plan accordingly when ordering same-day and next-day deliveries as the carrier may attempt delivery when no one is available to receive the item(s). 

Please use the following formats for all departmental deliveries ordered through an Amazon Business account.

For recipients with an SMC mailbox number:

First and Last Name
Student Mail Code Number ("SMC xxxx")
Carnegie Mellon University
5032 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15289

For faculty/staff in a specific department:

Full Name: [First and Last Name] - [Department Name]
Address Line 1: [Building Name] - [Room # or Department Mailroom #]
Address Line 2: [Building Street Address] when in doubt, contact your dept. administrator for guidance
City: [Pittsburgh]
State: [PA]
ZIP Code: [15213] unless otherwise noted on the CMU Master Building List [pdf]
Phone: [Phone number or department mailroom phone number]
Delivery Instructions: [Signature required. DO NOT LEAVE PACKAGE UNATTENDED.]

Many private carriers have delivery windows outside of normal campus hours. Please plan accordingly when ordering same-day and next-day deliveries as the carrier may attempt delivery when no one is available to receive the item(s). If ordering an Amazon package for a student please use the SMC address. 

All incoming mail/parcels for CMU Qatar, regardless of mail carrier, should be addressed as follows. All deliveries destined for the Qatar location should use this format regardless of the carrier.

First and Last Name
5032 Forbes Avenue
SMC 1070
Pittsburgh, PA 15289-1070

Once they are received by Postal Services, mail and parcels destined for Qatar are delivered to International Finance, which ships all mail and parcels to Qatar.

CMU Silicon Valley does not receive campus mail. All mail/parcels must be sent via the United States Postal Service (USPS) or another carrier.

USPS address format:

Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley
First and Last Name
Building 23, MS-11
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

Non-USPS (FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.) address format:

Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley
First and Last Name
NASA Research Park
Bldg. 23, Room (xxx)
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

Things to note:

  • Mail stop numbers (such as MS-11) are useful only for USPS mail. They do not work for FedEx, UPS, DHL or any other private mail carrier.

  • For FedEx, UPS, DHL and other non-USPS deliveries, the building number and room number must be listed in the "ship to" address, as in the above example.

  • Some private carriers have trouble finding Moffett Field -- suggest that they look under Mountain View, California, for the same ZIP code.

  • Shipments may be refused if they are not addressed for staff/faculty.

Mail/parcels for CMU's Africa location can be sent to:

Carnegie Mellon University Africa
First and Last Name
Regional ICT Center of Excellence Bldg
Kigali Innovation City - Bumbogo
BP 6150, Kigali, Rwanda

Mail/parcels for CMU's New York City location can be sent to:

Carnegie Mellon University
First and Last Name
55 Broad Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Mail/parcels for CMU's Washington, D.C., location can be sent to:

Carnegie Mellon University
First and Last Name
444 N. Capitol Street NW, Suite 399
Washington D.C. 20001