Carnegie Mellon University
July 17, 2013

Press Release: Carnegie Mellon's Carmel Majidi Tapped To Participate In National Academy of Engineering Symposium

Contact: Chriss Swaney / 412-268-5776 /

Carmel MajidiPITTSBURGH—Carnegie Mellon University's Carmel Majidi, who is working to make machines and electronics more elastic and compatible with the human body, will join more than 70 of the nation's brightest young engineering researchers and educators Sept. 19-21 at the National Academy of Engineering's (NAE) 10th Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) Symposium in Wilmington, Del.

"This is a wonderful opportunity and a great way to network with some of my research colleagues nationwide," said Majidi, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

This year's program will focus on cutting-edge developments in four areas: Designing and Analyzing Social Networks; Cognitive Manufacturing; Energy and Reducing Our Dependence on Fossil Fuels; and Flexible Electronics.

Majidi, a principal researcher in CMU's Soft Machines Lab who works on soft electronics and sensors, reports that the next generation of autonomous robots, medical devices and electronics will include systems that are not rigid and can adapt their functions to the changing demands of their operator and the environment.

Soft robotics is a new domain in the field of robotics, where researchers are focused on creating new robotic structures, blending together organic chemistry, soft materials science and robotics.

"The well-being of society will rely on engineering ideas developed by our nation's leading technology thinkers," said NAE President Charles M. Vest. "The Frontiers of Engineering program gives some of our most talented early career innovators the opportunity to create interdisciplinary relationships that are critical to shaping and advancing the future."

Program participants come from industry, academia and government and were nominated by fellow engineers or organizations and chosen from 310 applicants. DuPont is hosting the event.


Carmel Majidi (pictured above), a principal researcher in CMU's Soft Machines Lab, is working to make machines and electronics more elastic and compatible with the human body.