You've Prepared Them Well For Their Next Adventure

Congratulations on your student's acceptance to Carnegie Mellon!
This accomplisment speaks not only to their hard work, but also to your support in all of their personal and educational endeavours that have made them who they are today. As your student weighs the decision to enroll, use this page as a starting point to learn how Carnegie Mellon will support you and your student during this exciting new chapter for your family.
What's In It For Your Student?
Don't Be a Stranger!
Hotels within 5 miles from campus
Miles from the Pittsburgh International Airport
Post Offices in and around campus
Partners In Fostering Your Student's Success
We're excited to play a role in this formative journey your student is about to embark on, and it is not a responsibility we'll take lightly. The Office of Family Engagement is here to share information about general campus resources, important events and developmental milestones in your student’s experience so that you have information to facilitate meaningful interactions with your student about their Carnegie Mellon journey.
Family Newsletter
The Fence Post newsletter is sent monthly to CMU parents and family members to help you stay connected to the Tartan community.
Learn More(opens in new window)
CMU Alerts
Sign up for Carnegie Mellon's emergency notification system to stay up to date with happenings on campus.
Sign up for CMU-Alert(opens in new window)
Undergraduate Family Guide
Explore the Carnegie Mellon Undergraduate Family Guide to learn more about how we will support your student.
Review the Family Guide(opens in new window)