Carnegie Mellon University

Community-Based Research-to-Practice Program Application Instructions

Once your proposal and supporting materials are ready, please complete the Application Form.  All proposal documents will be uploaded at the time the form is completed. You will need the AndrewID for faculty mentor(s) in order to list them on the application.  For any group projects, one student should be the primary contact person who completes the form and uploads the proposal documents.  Additional students will be added by the primary student – AndrewIDs of all students will be needed as well.

Open the Application Form.

Section 1: Primary Student Information

The primary student will start the form by entering their own AndrewID.  Some fields will be automatically populated, but please complete any missing data.  

Section 2: Project Information

Please choose "Community Based Research" as the Project Type on the form.  Be sure to add $5000 in the Requested Amount field.

Enter the Project Information fields as well as a brief abstract of the project.  All proposal documents should be uploaded in this section as well.  Please be sure to select the correct type of project, as well as the semester/year in which you will be working on the project.  

Section 3: Faculty Information

The primary student will enter the AndrewID for the faculty mentor(s) and complete any fields not automatically populated.  This information will be used to alert the mentor(s) that the application has included their information, and a link will be sent to them to upload their letter of recommendation. Please note that the faculty listed will not receive the email with the link until after the completed application/form is submitted. Continue to page 2.

Section 4: Additional Student Information

Page 2 will be completed only for projects that include more than one student.  Up to four additional students can be listed.  If your project involves more than five total students, please email Jen Weidenhof ( to verify the additional students. 

If there is only one student involved in the project, please go to the next page.

Section 5: Release of Financial Aid Information

Please read, then answer yes or no to the financial aid question.

Section 6: Student Acknowledgement

Click the Student Submit button to submit your application and proposal materials to the OURSD.  The Student Signature and Date will populate once you click the Submit button.

Section 7: Faculty Acknowledgement

This section will be completed by the faculty mentor.

Once submitted, all students listed on the application will receive an email notification confirming the submission. The faculty mentor(s) will also receive an email notification and a link to review the application and submit the letter of recommendation.  An email confirmation will be sent to all students and faculty mentors once the letter is submitted.