Carnegie Mellon University

The Word

Student Handbook


Extracurricular activities involving the students at Carnegie Mellon are under the direction of Student Government, the Division of Student Affairs, or particular university departments, committees and councils advisory to the officers of the university. In general, students are charged with exercising a high level of self-governance related to extracurricular activities and, toward that end, are encouraged to form organizations that serve their extracurricular needs and qualify for recognition and/or funding by Student Government.

Financial statements of all organizations or committees that collect money, in any manner, from the student body must be available to Student Government if requested. Publication in The Tartan of a statement of the accounts may be required at the option of Student Government.


Extracurricular activities are any campus social, cultural, service or honorary organization; varsity, club or intramural athletic team; or any other campus organization recognized by Student Government or by the university whether participation is on the intercollegiate level or within the university. Students who meet the criteria outlined in the Student Activities Fee policy will be assessed the Student Activities Fee by Enrollment Services, and will be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities upon paying the fee. Enrolled students who seek to participate in extracurricular activities but who are not automatically assessed the Student Activities Fee must pay the relevant semester(s) fee prior to participation.

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