HR Training Update
As we get set to enjoy the summer, recharge and set professional goals, it seems appropriate to remind our readers of some of the various training and professional development opportunities going on throughout the summer and throughout the year. If you have questions or need help accessing training materials, please contact the Learning and Development team.
Get Ready for Goal Setting
The Office of Human Resources continues to offer training sessions and resources to assist with the goal setting process:
- Performance Management and Merit Resources page: Provides system guides for supervisors and for employees, templates to prepare your goals, and much more.
- Live Training Opportunities: These sessions run through the end of the goal setting period in mid-July and provide a comprehensive overview of the performance management process. Sign up now via FocusU. Please note: while this training provides an overview of performance management and creating SMART goals, it does not include a live demonstration of the goal setting process in Workday. Refer to the on-demand Workday demonstration for a step-by-step walk-through of the process.
- On-Demand Training Opportunities:
- Workday Demonstration — Setting Annual Goals: Provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to enter and complete annual goals in Workday.
- Workday Demonstration — Supervisor Approval of Annual Goals: Provides a step-by-step tutorial for supervisors on how to approve annual goals in Workday.
- Performance Management: Managing, Addressing and Recognizing Performance from the Staff Supervisory Awareness Program: This session will not focus on the technical aspect of performance management; rather, it will provide supervisors with more in-depth information about the role of performance management and setting expectations in the supervisory relationship. Register via FocusU. Availability is limited.
Additional Learning Opportunities
As you set your goals for the next performance year, keep in mind some of the professional development opportunities available to you:
- Staff Supervisory Awareness Program: This series can provide current supervisors with a refresher on key information or provide foundational knowledge for those who want to learn more about supervision.
- DiSC, Civil Treatment, True Colors: These programs are suitable for individual contributors, supervisors and teams who want to better understand their own and others' work styles. Learn how to communicate better, reduce conflict, and create a more civil, inclusive and productive workplace.
- Academic Impressions, DDI, FocusU, LinkedIn Learning: Log in with your Andrew ID and password to access online trainings and courses on a wide variety of topics.
- The 70/20/10 Model: As you set your goals for the coming year, be sure to consider stretch goals and on-the-job learning as part of your professional development plan. Individuals learn and grow from three types of experience, following a ratio of:
- 70% challenging experiences and assignments
- 20% developmental relationships
- 10% coursework and training
Development Dimensions International Offerings Set to Expand
The Office of Human Resources (OHR) is pleased to announce that the resources and offerings from Development Dimensions International (DDI) are expanding from the currently available online learning library of over 50 on-demand courses (Pinpoint) to a new series of instructor led courses.
This enhanced offering is the result of a group of OHR and learning professionals completing training to become DDI certified facilitators and piloting the courses to beta groups before offering them to other interested teams across campus. As certified facilitators, our instructors have access to a library of off-the-shelf training courses covering a wide range of topics applicable to employees and supervisors. They also have the ability to customize the content, ensuring that it fits with CMU's culture and uses examples that apply to work in an academic setting. A minimal charge of $100/participant will be assessed for materials.
In 2023, this team of learning and development professionals will pilot five courses with a cohort of supervisors from across the university. These courses focus on enhancing the ability to work successfully in a hybrid environment and include topics like Leading Virtually and Embracing Change.