Carnegie Mellon University

Meet the Faculty

Stephen WittekContextual Thinking
76-247: Shakespeare: Comedies and Romances

Featured faculty: Stephen Wittek

What do you remember most from your educational journey and how has that shaped your teaching?

I've had the privilege of teaching in a wide range of educational contexts across five different countries, so there are lots of memorable moments to choose from. The moment that really sticks out the most, however, comes from my time at the CMU campus in Qatar, where I taught what was, to the best of my knowledge, the first university-level Shakespeare course ever offered in that country. We began with A Midsummer Night's Dream. I was worried at the outset that the students might have trouble relating to a 400 year-old play from a completely foreign country, but to my great joy, I quickly found that they actually understood some aspects much better than I did, especially the parts relating to gender inequality and arranged marriages. Their unique perspective and intellectual generosity helped me to see the play in an entirely new light. I am very grateful for the experience.

What are some memorable projects you’ve had students do and how do they reflect your goals as an educator?

Since 2018, I have been the director of the Shakespeare-VR project, an educational initiative that uses virtual reality technologies to introduce students to the spaces and conventions of the Elizabethan stage. The idea at the core of the project is that Shakespeare wrote his plays to be performed—and to be seen and heard—in a specific sort of space. Building on this premise, we have developed a series of virtual experiences that enable users to step onstage in an authentic Shakespeare playhouse and perform alongside virtual actors. I have had lots of fun (maybe too much fun) sharing the project with students in my Shakespeare classes. For further details, please see here:

What one piece of advice would you give your students?

Your years in university will offer a precious, unparalleled opportunity to read, write, think, and share ideas with others. My advice is to take maximum advantage of this opportunity while you have the chance!