Carnegie Mellon University
April 15, 2017

Statement on the Passing of Henry Hillman

From Carnegie Mellon University President Subra Suresh

Henry Hillman, James Rohr and Subra Suresh
Henry Hillman (center) with CMU Chairman of the Board James Rohr and President Subra Suresh. (October 2015)

Along with the entire Carnegie Mellon University community, I join the city of Pittsburgh and friends around the world in both the celebration of Henry Hillman’s historic life, and the profound sense of loss at his passing.

Henry’s wide-ranging curiosity and his sharp analysis of innovations in science, technology, and policy can be seen in the broad variety of causes he and his foundation supported here at Carnegie Mellon, ranging from computer science to transportation technologies to brain research. Those seemingly disparate commitments shared a common goal: to benefit humanity, and to put Pittsburgh at the forefront of that global progress.

Mary and I had the good fortune to get to know Henry and Elsie in recent years, and I am proud to be the inaugural holder of the Henry L. Hillman President’s Chair with a deep sense of honor and gratitude for all that title represents.

Henry Hillman’s extraordinary spirit and gifts live on through his family, including his daughter Lea Simonds, who serves as a CMU trustee. Our hearts go out to them at this difficult time.

Related Links:

Gifts Establish Henry L. Hillman President’s Chair

Gift Provides 'Front Door' Building for School of Computer Science

Pittsburgh Business Leader Henry L. Hillman Provides $5 Million Gift for Carnegie Mellon's New BrainHub Initiative