June 04, 2012
Event: Earth's planetary neighbor Venus will pass across the face of the sun producing a silhouette that no one alive today will likely see again. Carnegie Mellon University's Department of Physics will have telescopes and 250 solar filter glasses available for the public to view the transit of Venus. Transits are very rare, coming in pairs separated by more than 100 years. The first in this pair occurred in 2004. The next transit will take place Dec. 11, 2117.
When: 5:45 p.m. until sunset, Tuesday, June 5
Where: the Mall between Doherty and Baker halls, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Photo Advisory: Carnegie Mellon University's Department of Physics Offers Opportunity To View Rare Venus Transit
Contact: Amy Pavlak / 412-268-8619 / apavlak@andrew.cmu.edu
When: 5:45 p.m. until sunset, Tuesday, June 5
Where: the Mall between Doherty and Baker halls, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213