June 22, 2012
Event: More than 40 Brownies and Cub Scouts from Point Breeze, Springdale, Shadyside and Castle Shannon will get hands-on experience in identifying and learning to cope with cyber bullies and a cache of other engineering projects at a new "Scouting for Engineers" program. The program, sponsored by Carnegie Mellon's Engineering College, is designed to educate scouts about engineering.
The scouts will participate in the MySecureCyberspace Game, which includes a variety of missions covering how to spot spam, how to keep personal information private and how to identify website traps. They also will participate in engineering demos, from how to spell out words with magnets like a computer does to learning how chemical engineers design toys, food and household products using the chemistry of big molecules.
Each participant will receive a specially designed program badge for their uniform and an opportunity to earn additional merit badges for continued work in engineering and science related projects.
"We see this kind of activity as a way to get youth interested in engineering and science early on in their careers," said Annette Jacobson, associate dean for undergraduate studies at CMU's College of Engineering.
Pittsburgh Steelers mascot Steely McBeam will help present the scout awards and bagpipers will play a variety of Scottish tunes throughout the program.
When: 9 a.m. - noon, Monday, June 25.
Where: Baker Hall 140e and Tung Au Lab, Carnegie Mellon University, off Frew Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213.
Media Advisory: Carnegie Mellon's College of Engineering Hosts New Program To Educate Brownies and Cub Scouts About Engineering Careers
Contact: Chriss Swaney / 412-268-5776 / swaney@andrew.cmu.eduEvent: More than 40 Brownies and Cub Scouts from Point Breeze, Springdale, Shadyside and Castle Shannon will get hands-on experience in identifying and learning to cope with cyber bullies and a cache of other engineering projects at a new "Scouting for Engineers" program. The program, sponsored by Carnegie Mellon's Engineering College, is designed to educate scouts about engineering.
The scouts will participate in the MySecureCyberspace Game, which includes a variety of missions covering how to spot spam, how to keep personal information private and how to identify website traps. They also will participate in engineering demos, from how to spell out words with magnets like a computer does to learning how chemical engineers design toys, food and household products using the chemistry of big molecules.
Each participant will receive a specially designed program badge for their uniform and an opportunity to earn additional merit badges for continued work in engineering and science related projects.
"We see this kind of activity as a way to get youth interested in engineering and science early on in their careers," said Annette Jacobson, associate dean for undergraduate studies at CMU's College of Engineering.
Pittsburgh Steelers mascot Steely McBeam will help present the scout awards and bagpipers will play a variety of Scottish tunes throughout the program.
When: 9 a.m. - noon, Monday, June 25.
Where: Baker Hall 140e and Tung Au Lab, Carnegie Mellon University, off Frew Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213.