Carnegie Mellon University

Pisat wins 2018 Krivobok Brooks Award

May 24, 2018

Pisat wins 2018 Krivobok Brooks Award

MSE doctoral student Ajay Pisat is the winner of the 2018 Krivobok Brooks Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Metallography for his submission, "Three-Tiered Domain Structure of Tungsten Trioxide".

Three-Tiered domain structure of Tungsten Trioxide: 
This is a backscatter electron image of an area within a single grain of a polished Tungsten Trioxide polycrystal. The third tier of domains, which might explain the anomalies in photoreactivity on the surface, is not visible in all grains, presumably due to channeling conditions. A high scan time of 5 minutes with a small spot size was necessary to bring out the third tier. The scale bar is 1 micron.