Carnegie Mellon University
August 29, 2016

Chinese Academy of Sciences Elects Subra Suresh as Foreign Member

President Subra Suresh has been elected a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) for his scientific contributions in materials science and engineering, including his work connecting nanomechanical cell structure to disease states.

He also was honored for his leadership in building the worldwide scientific and engineering research dialogue through the Global Research Council, which he helped to found while director of the U.S. National Science Foundation. The council will have its annual meeting in May 2014 in Beijing.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is a prestigious national advisory body for the Chinese government. It has made significant contributions to scientific progress and social development in China, as well as fostered international cooperation among scientific communities.

Suresh is one of nine foreign members elected in 2013. They will be honored at the 17th General Assembly of the CAS in June 2014 in Beijing.

He is the second faculty member from CMU to receive this honor. The late Herbert Simon was named a foreign member of the CAS in 1994.

Suresh is the only current U.S. university president to have been named a foreign member of the CAS and a member of all three U.S. National Academies — the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences.