The Politics of Fake News and Misinformation
Course Number: 84-365
This course analyzes the drivers and dynamics of fake news and misinformation in social and political life. From conspiracy theories about COVID and climate change to misinformation about political violence and conflict, how can we characterize fake news and misinformation and why does it often spread so widely? What are the factors that explain why individuals accept or reject it? And what are its consequences for our political behavior? In this course, we will explore these and other questions on fake news and misinformation, drawing on the fast-growing body of research on the topic. In particular, we will first focus on defining and characterizing the problem of fake news and misinformation, and then we will examine its production, consumption, and consequences. As the final assignment in the course, students will write an original research paper applying ideas from class to an example of fake news or misinformation of interest to them.
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester(s): Spring
Units: 9
Location(s): Pittsburgh