CEIC Reports and Periodicals
- Granger Morgan’s testimony prepared for the September 10, 2015 hearing on “Examining the Vulnerabilities of America’s Power Supply” before the Committee on Science, Space and Technology Subcommittee on Oversight and Subcommittee on Energy of the U.S. House of Representatives.
- July 31, 2014: Testimony by Jay Apt to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Microgrids for Rural Electrification: A Critical Review of Best Practices Based on Seven Case Studies
- January 6, 2010: Congressional Staff Briefing on "Smart Grid, Sorting the Reality from the Hype". Related: see "The Many Meanings of Smart Grid" in 2009.
- "The Many Meanings of Smart Grid". Related: see January 6, 2010 Congressional Staff Briefing in 2010.
- April 23, 2009: Testimony by Jay Apt to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment Hearing on The American Clean Energy Security Act of 2009
- Cap and Trade is Not Enough: Improving U.S. Climate Policy
- February 10, 2009: Testimony by Lester B. Lave before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
- Article: "A National Renewables Portfolio Standard?" – Issues in Science & Technology, Fall 2008
- June 13, 2008: "Policy Brief on the Smart Metering, Peak Load Reduction, and Efficiency Provisions of Pennsylvania House Bills 2200 and 2201"
- "Generating Electricity from Renewables: Crafting Policies that Achieve Society's Goals"
- "Incentives for Near-Term Carbon Dioxide Geological Sequestration"
- Article: "Promoting Low-Carbon Electricity Production" – Science and Technology, spring 2007
- Op-Ed Piece: "Carbon Culprits" –The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, page H1, February 25, 2007
- Competitive Energy Options for Pennsylvania
- Chapter 14 of Seeds of Disaster, Roots of Response: How Private Action Can Reduce Public Vulnerability
- Comments on Wholesale and Retail Electricity Competition to the Electric Energy Market Competition Interagency Task Force and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- Op-Ed Piece: "Electricity Traffic Control" –The New York Times, August 13, 2005
- The U.S. Electric Power Sector and Climate Change Mitigation
- Critical Electric Power Issues in Pennsylvania: Transmission, Distributed Generation, and Continuing Services when the Grid Fails
- Article: "Electrical Blackouts: A Systemic Problem" – Science & Technology, summer 2004
- Op-Ed Piece: "Let There Be Light" – Pittsburgh Post Gazette, August 15, 2004
- Op-Ed Piece: "Blackouts Are Inevitable" – Washington Post, page A19, August 10, 2004
- Comments on FERC Standard Market Design NOPR
- Letter to Congress on Homeland Security legislation
- Article: "Bolstering the Security and Survivability of the Electric Power System" – Issues in Science and Technology, spring 2002
- Science Debate on Wind Energy