Welcome to Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center (CEIC), a joint endeavor between Carnegie Mellon University’s College of Engineering and Tepper School of Business.
CEIC’s primary mission is to work with industry, labor, government, policymakers, and all other relevant stakeholders to address the strategic problems of the electricity industry. While we work directly on identifying, addressing, and solving important problems for the industry, more importantly CEIC produces a cadre of well trained graduate-student researchers, many of whom continue to address the industry’s problems in subsequent professional careers. In addition to doctoral education, CEIC has a broad educational mission that includes the development of university courses, special-topic short courses, and curricular advice for training programs.
CEIC's work is recognized by legislators and government executives as some of the best non-partisan analysis in the field. CEIC faculty have testified before Congress, chaired and participated in numerous National Academies panels, briefed and subsequently been cited by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and state-level public-utilty commissions in their rulings, and served on a variety of advisory committees including to the leadership of United States Department of Energy.
Learn more about CEIC, its mission, history, and students.
Many of CEIC's Ph.D. graduates have taken positions at a variety of institutions, where they continue to address the electricity industry's problems.