How relevant, actionable research fuels broad policy impact.

Each year, The Block Center invests in a portfolio of faculty-led projects that includes early-stage applied research, proven projects ready for public policy deployment, and projects ready for utilization by our external partners for maximum impact.
The Block Center identifies policy priorities and works collaboratively with faculty to draft policy memoranda and white papers for dissemination among a wide range of decisionmakers and experts. We also regularly host policy salons for interested faculty to discuss how to take those first steps in translating research insights into policy-facing products. Some sessions are dedicated to the Block Center policy staff sharing insights on how to increase the policy impact of one’s work, while other sessions will convene having identified a key policy question for discussion. These issue-focused salons bring together five to ten faculty members to provide expert insight and analysis, and are designed to lay the groundwork for policy memos co-drafted by faculty and Block Center staff, who will guide any memo to publication and dissemination.
The Block Center amplifies its research projects by hosting policy discussions, round tables, and other convenings with influential audiences. We help faculty identify opportunities to brief policymakers and key decisionmakers on their findings, and draft and publish media stories to create a high profile for the Center’s projects within the broader policy ecosystem.
Are you part of a CMU research team, corporate partner, legislator, or student? Reach out.