Carnegie Mellon University

CMU Mentorship Program

Currently open to staff members in the Robotics Institute and Enrollment Management

The CMU Mentorship Program provides staff in participating areas with an opportunity for professional development, information sharing, personal growth and exposure to other departments. Mentors and mentees are matched based on professional interests and experience, goals and interests. The program is mentee-led, allowing the mentee to set the goals and expectations for their experience.


  • At least six months in current college/division. Must be within the participating areas (Robotics Institute, Enrollment Management).
  • Able to commit to meeting at least once per month.
  • Mentees must be motivated to lead the relationship and committed to self-development.
  • Mentors must be skilled and experienced in their position.


Program participants are selected through a voluntary application process and vetted by college/division leadership. Mentees are matched with mentors by the staff ombudsperson and the applicants' HR business partner.

2024 Program Timeline

  • June–July: Mentor and mentee applications accepted
  • July–August: Applications are reviewed and mentors are matched with mentees
  • September: Supervisors review participant matches
  • October: Cohort kickoff meeting
  • February: Cohort mid-program meeting
  • June: End of program celebration

What's Next?

Once the program year ends, mentor/mentee relationships can continue informally if both parties agree. For the next program year, applicants who have already been through the program will be included in a combined pool of participants and can be matched with others outside of their college/division to enhance their knowledge and broaden their reach.