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![]() First job paid $95 a month [Re Tuition increases, News, summer]: How times have changed! I graduated with a degree in nursing. This followed a five-year course of study. I lived in Whitfield and Cedar halls and West Penn Hospital. Room and board was $350 a semester. The cost of courses totaled $160 a semester. My father gave me $5 a week allowance. I had everything I needed. My father told me that my five-year course had cost him about $5,000. Of course, that was during the Depression years. Today the same field of study would cost more than $100,000. My first [job] as a nursing instructor paid $95 a month but did include room and board. Today, I would earn more than that working in a fast-food emporium. That's progress.
Virginia Wade Schalles MM'41 About Erin Brady's percentage
Jack Carlson E'47
Mathematical Sciences Head James Greenberg agrees with you. He says the percent of free throws is 100 x 48/57 = 84.2105 percent. The fraction of free throws made is 48/57 = .842105. Why isn't Nash in the '48 Thistle?
Thomas E. Burns E'48
John Nash's picture does not appear in the 1948 yearbook, though he earned bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics on June 27, 1948.Editor
Great tribute to great man About the pens: Some things are symbols, icons, expressions of even deeper, more meaningful events. I don't get caught doubting the thing that is meant even though the form in which it is conveyed is suspect. John Nash was from our area. I loved the movie, watched three times. It conveyed many delicate elements in all our lives. Perhaps I, like others, may be a little abrupt with those around me. It was great how his wife came into his life and reached beyond his exterior to protect, guide and encourage the little boy within. The movie may not be fact, but [it] parallels a confused life and is a great tribute to a great man. I was most touched by his acceptance speech at the Nobel ceremony in 1994 [about finding reason in love rather than in equations and logic]. Thanks for your kind words on this great man and sensitive movie.
Ted Elden A'71 Drugs, myths compound illness In my senior year I ended up a patient at Western Psychiatric Institute. I was forced to take very heavy doses of Thorazine. After 10 months I was released, still on the drug. Luckily, my psychiatrist helped me get off of it. I haven't taken psychiatric drugs since September 1968, nor been a patient of a psychiatrist since August 1969. I graduated. I've been married almost 33 years and raised two children. Since 1978 I have taken the lead on mental health issues in the Re-evaluation Counseling Communities, a social change/leadership network in 93 countries. I have been the International Liberation Reference Person for Mental Health Liberation in the RC Communities. I got my master's degree from Penn State and received the Award for Distinguished Service in Community Psychology from the same institution. I cofounded and codirected Support Coalition International, 100 groups in 11 countries, working against psychiatric oppression and for alternatives. Mental patients can fully recover. Many of us don't "fight daily to come to terms with [our] disease," as you put it. We are just like everyone else, not different, unusual or requiring "sympathy for the tremendous obstacles" in our lives. Another myth we fight is the idea that those of us who "made it" out of the mental health system must have been "misdiagnosed." World Health Organization studies show that mental patients in poorer countries, where the system gives out far fewer psychiatric drugs, recover far more quickly, on average, than mental patients in the U.S.A.
Janet Braunstein Foner A'68 Dean Midani's help recalled
Tom Croak HS'78
Tom Croak is an associate professor of history at DePaul University. About that lame response
E.G. Meyer E'40, '42
Yes, "pro-peace rally vs. anti-war rally" is a fine distinction. The marching students made it, not the editor.Editor Illustrator's other life
Joseph Daniel Fiedler A'79
Apparently, Susan Rotolo, who met Dylan when he was 19 and she was 17, inspired a number of his tunes, including "Boots of Spanish Leather," "Ballad in Plain D," "Down the Highway" and
others. She teaches at Parsons School of Design and spends summers at Cape Cod, where she met the Fentons.Editor Zine site looks great
Rev. Scott Ellis A'70
No plans yet to post past issues.Editor
Tougher times in 1930s mills In some of those years the steel industry ran at less than 30 percent of capacity. Baldwin Locomotive made one locomotive in 1932. If they got the order, usually eight tires, it meant perhaps 20 minutes of work for Edgewater, Oakmont. The Schoen Wheel Works of Carnegie Steel Company's hot mill averaged about a day a week of work in 1932-1933. I had plenty of unpaid vacation time, and at that time no fringe benefits except "discounted" life insurance. I left (then Carnegie-Illinois) in 1938. Rearmament and World War II opened jobs to Carnegie Tech metallurgical graduates in the range of $120-150 a month. Carnegie-Illinois was then paying 621/2 cents an hour for welders, up from 481/2 cents an hour when I started working the 11 to 7 a.m. shift while I attended Tech. In retrospect, possibly Edgewater and the majority of the U.S. steel industrywith CIO/USW wages, six- or seven-figure upper-level salaries and huge benefits for both groups of employeeshave made the U.S. non-competitive in the worldwide industry. Has the Pittsburgh steelworker priced himself out of the competitive world market? I haven't been in any European steel plants for some 15 years. Possibly by now there will be 15 employees' bicycles hanging on hooks for each employee automobile parking space. A somewhat more recent experience in South America indicates that many plants have a bus service that picks up and discharges employees at various locations. No second cars at home for these employees.
Dan A. Sutch E'38 Magazine all wet on concrete The portland cement combines with the water to form a gel, a process that takes several weeks and actually releases some heat. Although the concrete visually seems to dry, it actually needs to be kept wet for one or more weeks to reach optimum strength. Color additives and texture can imitate other materials successfully. Precast is formed in a mold rather than formed in the final position. My point: Concrete is cured, not dried.
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