Doctorate Program in Logic, Computation and Methodology
The LCM Ph.D. is primarily intended for students interested in a career outside of Philosophy, be it academic or in industry.
The program's flexible requirements are geared towards establishing relevant domain specialization (e.g., within mathematics, machine learning, statistics, logic, etc.) while incorporating steady involvement in research and the opportunity to practice the craft of teaching in a top-notch undergraduate environment. Students are expected to complete a Master’s thesis (or obtain a master’s degree from another discipline) by the middle of their third year, and a Ph.D. thesis by the end of their fifth year.
Core (2 courses)
Core Seminar I & II are required for all students with no exceptions.
- 80600 (fall term)
- 80602 (spring term)
Formal Methods (1 course)
2 Formal Methods Minis (FMM)
- Excluding 80603 FMM: Tools & Techniques
- 80604 FMM: Computability Theory
- 80607 FMM: Topology
- 80608 FMM: Evolutionary Game Theory
- 80609 FMM: Classical Logic
- 80613 FMM: Language and Meaning
- 80616 FMM: Decisions and Games
- 80617 FMM: Causation
- 80618 FMM: Algorithmic Complexity
- 80619 FMM: Epistemic Logic and Topology
Target Field Breadth (3 courses)
- 3 graduate level courses in Mathematical Sciences, School of Computer Science, Statistics & Data Science, or the relevant technical discipline (which might include Philosophy) outside the area of specialization.
These courses must be sufficiently different from one another to provide breadth in the target field.
- One of these course requirements can be satisfied through one or more internships, subject to advisor and DGS approval.
Philosophy Breadth (1 course)
1 graduate course in Philosophy outside the area of specialization.
Specialization (3 courses)
3 graduate level courses in the area of specialization (Mathematical Sciences, School of Computer Science, Statistics & Data Science, Machine Learning, etc.)
At least 1 of these courses must be in Philosophy.
Master’s thesis
- Can be replaced by a master’s degree in another discipline
Ph.D. Thesis
This is 10 courses in total.
- No course may be used to satisfy more than one requirement. (Exception: courses used towards a master’s degree can also be used to satisfy the “Target Field Breadth” and “Specialization” requirements.)
- All courses must be approved each year by a “topic advisor” for use in the individual categories. This is to ensure that the breadth courses are truly broad and that the target field makes sense.
The department's interdisciplinary research thrust affords an unusually broad range of career possibilities. Graduates of the program have been offered positions in Philosophy, Mathematics, Psychology, Computer Science, and Statistics, as well as research positions in industry. This wide range of interesting career opportunities reflects the department's unique dedication to serious, interdisciplinary research ties.
For a complete listing of our graduates and placement record, see our Ph.D. alumni page.