Artifical Intelligence (AI) Software
View the UCO guidance on ChatGPT (as a PDF).
View the UCO guidance on Otter.AI (as a PDF).
Expiring MSAs
This report page (new window) from the MSA database lists the Masters Services Agreements expiring within the past and future 90 days. The page is sortable by clicking on any of the categories in the title bar.
If you would like to renew any of these MSAs, please email a request to If you see that an MSA renewal has already been requested, it's not necessary to send another request.
Software Assessment
Computing Services, in partnership with the Office of Disability Resources, the University Contracts Office, Procurement Services, and Enterprise Risk Management, has developed a Software Assessment procedure which includes a thorough software technical evaluation to review risks. Please see recent guidance on this review.
Please submit all software requests to: CMU Software Requests
Return to the On-Campus Workplace Technology
UCO has received requests to review various software and mobile apps related to COVID -19 Return to the On-Campus Workplace planning efforts. Please note that the university has determined that the detail below is the procedure to be followed. The latest information can be found at the COVID-19 Updates page (
In addition, Computing Services has provided the following guidance regarding the use of technology related to Returning to the On-campus Workplace. ( Please note on the main page there is a link to Calendar Options ( This is the current best practice for coordinating and managing work schedules. The platforms are secure and the suppliers are under agreement with the university.
The Office of General Counsel is advising that the use of applications to track the specific time and location of individual employees or students is discouraged. Requests for review of any additional platforms to perform the functions set forth above can be reviewed by UCO, however, because of the sensitive nature of the data, a detailed review of the supplier security will be necessary.
High Value Vendors
In order to reduce financial risk and increase financial benefit for the University, Procurement Services has established a list of High Value Vendors. Information about the contracts process for these vendors can be found on the High Value Vendors Page. (CMU login required.)
Export Control Guidelines
Effective September 21, 2020, due to new guidelines (pdf, CMU login required) issued by the Vice President of Research, requests for agreements with some international vendors will require an additional review by Export Control. This review may add up to 7 business days to the process. Buyers will be notified if their request requires this additional review.
Suppliers from an OFAC sanctioned country, or a country specified as a D-List country on the pdf file located at: will require additional time.
While all software and software-as-a-service for teaching and learning must be reviewed by the Eberly Center and Computing Services before it can be purchased and/or used, it is not necessary to send requests directly to the Eberly Center. The UCO, Eberly Center and Computing Services will coordinate to review as necessary. You may continue to send software requests to the UCO as usual. Please allow sufficient time for the necessary coordinated and through review, especially when planning for the Spring semester. We apologize for any confusing our previous messaging may have caused.
Future Event-Related Requests
President Jahanian in his March 11, 2020 email stated: “We strongly urge you … refrain from planning future gatherings until further notice.” Currently the University Contracts Office is complying with that direction for all future event-related contract requests. If you believe that your event must be scheduled, then your request to the Inbox must be accompanied by: (1) the agreement; (2) statement of the requestor/buyer that they have read and understood the cancellation provisions and penalties in the contract; and (3) an email from the ALG member affirming that both the ALG member and departmental Dean or Vice President have approved the event and understand and accept the risk of the potential negative impact on their respective budget.
If a vendor sends a contract via DocuSign, please ask the vendor to name Matthew D’Emilio, Director, University Contracts Office, as the signatory. If there is also a credit card authorization form, that should be filled out using the name of the person whose credit card is going to be used.
Please ask the vendor to email the document to you directly, and then forward it to Please do not give the vendor Matt’s email address. We need all requests to come through our inbox so they can be processed correctly. Thank you.
UCO approval is not required for AppleCare.
Apple Store
UCO review is no longer required for equipment repair services at the Apple Store. Please see our approval document (CMU sign in required) (pdf)
App Store & Google Play
UCO review is no longer required for many smartphone/tablet apps on the App Store and Google Play. Please see our approval document (CMU sign in required).
Carnegie Mellon University Ethics Reporting Hotline
Toll Free: 1-877-700-7050
Via the Internet: (Username: tartans; Password: plaid)
The hotline is NOT an emergency service. For emergencies, call University Police at 412-268-2323 or 911.
City of Pittsburgh online event-related transactions
See UCO's review & approval for Online Event-Related Transactions, including Park Shelter Permitting and Road Closures.
Per the Alcohol Purchasing Guidelines, for events where alcohol is being served but not sold (i.e. open bar), the University requires all bartenders to be RAMP-certified and fully insured for General Liability, Liquor Liability and Workers' Compensation. Ace Bartenders meets our requirements. If you wish to use another service provider, please contact our office.
If a department chooses Chartwells, CMU’s preferred on-campus caterer, they will coordinate the hiring of RAMP-certified bartenders when necessary.
If you wish to hold an event at a space that uses for booking, there are a few things that need to happen before the request is sent to our office.
- Please email us a pdf version of the event contract and policies;
- Please email us a pdf version of the event summary;
- Please confirm via email that your department is aware of and okay with all of the business terms of the agreement, as well as event details;
- Please include the CMU on-site contact person’s full name, email address, and phone number.
COVID-19 Protocols for On-Campus Vendors and Service Providers
All vendors and service providers and their employees must follow the University's current COVID-19 protocols while working on campus or at any CMU facility. They are also responsible for communicating these requirements to their workers and for ensuring the protocols are followed.