Carnegie Mellon University

Virtual Dalcroze Meet-up

The Virtual Dalcroze Meet-up is an independent international forum for music educators interested in the Dalcroze work. We share best practices for diverse classrooms of all ages and abilities (both in-person and online teaching spaces). Participation is open to anyone.

Virtual Dalcroze Meet-Up
Series 13 Schedule
January–May 2025

VDM Meet-Ups
–All Meet-Ups are free to attend
–All Meet-Ups will be recorded and available for free on the VDM Archive page.
–You do not have to pre-register for Meet-Ups. You will get a Zoom link to the Meet-Ups if you are on the VDM General Mailing List. Please subscribe here.

VDM Masterclass Series
–VDM Masterclasses require paid pre-registration
–You will receive a Zoom link to the class about 48 hours in advance of the class.
–We will send recording links to all masterclass registrants. You can participate live or watch the recording later (or both!). Recording links for masterclasses expire after 30 days. 
–Recordings of earlier Masterclasses are available for purchase here (with a new 30 day expiration).

VDM Short Courses
–VDM Short Courses require paid pre-registration
–You will receive a Zoom link to the class about 48 hours in advance of the first class.
–We will send recording links to all registrants. You can participate live or watch the recordings later.
Recording links for short courses expire after 60 days. 
–Recordings of earlier Short Courses are available for purchase here (with a new 60 day expiration).

 Check out the VDM CALENDAR for the days and times of future Meet-ups, Masterclasses, and Short Courses.

Meeting Organizers and Hosts:
Weronika Balewski
Stephen Neely
Emma Shubin

To join the mailing list:
We schedule Meet-ups roughly every two weeks and send out emails every week or two announcing the upcoming events. If you would like to be on the mailing list click HERE.  

Note about privacy: 
We video record the meet-ups and post them to our YouTube archives for study reference. Email addresses are scrubbed from the chat transcripts. If you would like to participate but have a more strict privacy preference, consider joining with your video off and removing your name from your zoom screen. 

The VDM would like to thank our partners, Integral Steps for logistical support and the Marta Sanchez Dalcroze Training Center for hosting this website.