Carnegie Mellon University

Additions:  Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Course Requirements.

Certain courses offered in academic units other than CFA, DC and Tepper are considered non-technical and may be taken to fulfill Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Course Requirements.  The following courses may be used to satisfy those requirements.  Again, this list is not presumed to be exhaustive.  Students who would like to petition to add a course to the list can contact Dr. Hovis.

Computer Science
05-392  Interaction Design Overview
15-221  Technical Communication for Computer Scientists

MCS Interdisciplinary
38-132 DC Grand Challenge First-Year Seminar: Health in Unhealthy Times

Public Policy & Management
90-717  Writing for Public Policy
90-718  Strategic Presentation Skills
90-733  Urban Development
90-765  Cities, Technology and the Environment
90-767  Welfare Policy
90-778  Media and Public Policy Making
90-810  Population and Policy
90-818  Health Care Quality & Performance Improvement
90-828  Energy, Climate Change, and Economic Growth in the 21st Century
90-847  Grand Corruption and Rule of Law

Carnegie Mellon University-Wide Studies
99-241 Revolutions of Circularity
99-421  Faces of Wo/Men

Deletions:  a non-comprehensive list of courses that do NOT satisfy the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Course Requirements.