Carnegie Mellon University

Undergraduate Program in Applied Multilingual Studies

The Applied Multilingual Studies Program allows students to analyze social, cultural and cognitive dimensions of multilingualism and its development. Students explore questions related to issues surrounding identity, diversity and culture such as: Are they monolingual, bilingual or multilingual? Is their identity linked to what order the languages were learned in? How are their languages used, with whom, and in which environments? The intellectual goals and educational merits of this major and minor program are:

  • to prepare students for participation in a globalized and intercultural world where multilingualism is the norm and intercultural communication occurs in business, technology, science, economics, politics and everyday life
  • going beyond the acquisition of languages as a skill by placing an emphasis on qualitative and sociocultural approaches and understanding the experience of multilingualism, its development and its place in contemporary society
  • including CMU’s already multilingual and international student population that is interested in multilingualism and applied linguistics.

View a detailed listing of curriculum requirements for the Major in Applied Multilingual Studies and Minor in Applied Multilingual Studies programs below.

Required Units: 108-114

There are no prerequisites for this major. The core course in the study of language and culture cannot be fulfilled with any placement credit transferred into Carnegie Mellon. Progress in language and culture will be accelerated by study abroad, which is highly recommended. The study abroad advisor for the AMS program is Sébastien Dubreil,

Students may double count four courses taken for the AMS major that are also being used to fulfill the requirements of other majors, minors and programs. This does not include double-counting with General Education requirements.

Four Core LCAL Courses
82-283 Language Diversity and Cultural Identity
82-xxx Language and culture study course
82-xxx Language and culture study course
82-580 Senior Capstone
36-42 units
9 units
9-12 units
9-12 units
9 units
Three Foundations Courses
  • LCAL Foundation Courses:
    • 82-217 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in the Arab World
    • 82-280 Bilingual and Bicultural Experiences in the United States
    • 82-283 Language Diversity and Cultural Identity
    • 82-284 Multicultural Pittsburgh: A Creative Media Exploration of Community, Language & Identity
    • 82-285 Podcasting: Language and Culture Through Storytelling
    • 82-287 Multicultural Immersion: Relating Your World in Virtual Reality
    • 82-288 Everyday Learning: Designing Learning Experiences in Times of Unrest and Uncertainty
  • Non-LCAL Foundations Electives:
    • 76-293 Writing about Research in Your Discipline
    • 80-180 Nature of Language
    • 80-287 Language Variation and Change
    • 80-288 Intonation: Transcription & Analysis
    • 80-383 Language in Use
    • 80-388 Introduction to Linguistic Typology
    • 80-488 Acoustics of Human Speech
27 units
Five Courses in Theory & Concepts and Data Analysis
It may also be possible to take four courses plus a thesis OR three courses plus Senior Honors Thesis, with advisor approval. It is possible to count as one course either two minis (6 units each) or one mini plus an independent project (3 units).
  • LCAL Theories & Concepts Courses:
    • 82-3xx target language courses focusing on language/discourse (with advisor approval)
    • 82-383 Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Research
    • 82-388 Language Acquisition & Technology
    • 82-388 Bilingualism
    • 82-388 Language and Identity
    • 82-388 Sociocultural Theory and L2 Development
    • 82-480 Translation Technologies
    • 82-481 Translation Workshop I
    • 82-48x Translation Workshop II
    • 82-482 Introduction to Translation
  • Non-LCAL Theories & Concepts Electives:
    • 76-318 Communicating in the Global Marketplace
    • 76-325 Intertextuality
    • 76-386 Language and Culture
    • 76-378 Literacy: Educational Theory and Community Practice
    • 80-280 Linguistic Analysis
    • 80-282 Phonetics and Phonology I
    • 80-385 Linguistics of Germanic Languages
    • 80-388 Linguistic Typology: Diversity and Universals
    • 85-354 Infant Language Development
    • 85-421 Language and Thought
  • LCAL Data Analysis Courses:
    • 82-4xx target language courses focusing on language/discourse (with advisor approval)
    • 82-385 Qualitative Methods in SLA Research
    • 82-388 Interaction & L2 Development
    • 82-388 Introduction to Linguistic Data Analysis Using R
  • Non-LCAL Data Analysis Electives:
    • 76-314 Data Stories
    • 76-385 Introduction to Discourse Analysis
    • 76-380 Methods in Humanities Analytics
    • 76-388 Coding for Humanists
    • 76-496 Research Methods in Rhetoric and Writing Studies
45 units


Sample Curriculum

Junior Year Senior Year
Fall Spring Fall Spring
Language requirement (first course) Language requirement (second course) 300-level course 400-level course
82-283 Language Diversity and Cultural Identity  Foundations course 300-level course 400-level course
Foundations course Foundations course 300-level course 400-level course
Elective Elective Elective Elective
Elective Elective Elective Elective


Required Units: 54-57

There are no prerequisites for this minor. The core course in the study of language and culture cannot be fulfilled with any placement credit transferred into Carnegie Mellon. Progress in language and culture will be accelerated by study abroad, which is highly recommended. The study abroad advisor for the AMS program is Sébastien Dubreil,

Students may double count one course taken for the AMS minor that is also being used to fulfill the requirements of other majors, minors and programs. This does not include double-counting with General Education requirements.

Two Core LCAL Courses
82-283 Language Diversity and Cultural Identity
82-xxx Language and Culture Study

18-21 units
9 units
9-12 units

Four Courses in Foundations, Theory & Concepts and Data Analysis
Choose four courses, at least one at the 300-level and one at the 400-level. One course outside of LCAL may be counted. It is possible to count as one course either two minis (6 units each) or one mini plus an independent project (3 units).

  • LCAL Foundation Courses:
    • 82-217 Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in the Arab World
    • 82-280 Bilingual and Bicultural Experiences in the United States
    • 82-283 Language Diversity and Cultural Identity
    • 82-284 Multicultural Pittsburgh: A Creative Media Exploration of Community, Language & Identity
    • 82-285 Podcasting: Language and Culture Through Storytelling
    • 82-287 Multicultural Immersion: Relating Your World in Virtual Reality
    • 82-288 Everyday Learning: Designing Learning Experiences in Times of Unrest and Uncertainty
  • Non-LCAL Foundations Electives:
    • 76-293 Writing about Research in Your Discipline
    • 80-180 Nature of Language
    • 80-287 Language Variation and Change
    • 80-288 Intonation: Transcription & Analysis
    • 80-383 Language in Use
    • 80-388 Introduction to Linguistic Typology
    • 80-488 Acoustics of Human Speech
  • LCAL Theories & Concepts Courses:
    • 82-3xx target language courses focusing on language/discourse (with advisor approval)
    • 82-383 Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Research
    • 82-388 Language Acquisition & Technology
    • 82-388 Bilingualism
    • 82-388 Language and Identity
    • 82-388 Sociocultural Theory and L2 Development
    • 82-480 Translation Technologies
    • 82-481 Translation Workshop I
    • 82-48x Translation Workshop II
    • 82-482 Introduction to Translation
  • Non-LCAL Theories & Concepts Electives:
    • 76-318 Communicating in the Global Marketplace
    • 76-325 Intertextuality
    • 76-386 Language and Culture
    • 76-378 Literacy: Educational Theory and Community Practice
    • 80-280 Linguistic Analysis
    • 80-282 Phonetics and Phonology I
    • 80-385 Linguistics of Germanic Languages
    • 80-388 Linguistic Typology: Diversity and Universals
    • 85-354 Infant Language Development
    • 85-421 Language and Thought
  • LCAL Data Analysis Courses:
    • 82-4xx target language courses focusing on language/discourse (with advisor approval)
    • 82-385 Qualitative Methods in SLA Research
    • 82-388 Interaction & L2 Development
    • 82-388 Introduction to Linguistic Data Analysis Using R
  • Non-LCAL Data Analysis Electives:
    • 76-314 Data Stories
    • 76-385 Introduction to Discourse Analysis
    • 76-380 Methods in Humanities Analytics
    • 76-388 Coding for Humanists
    • 76-496 Research Methods in Rhetoric and Writing Studies
36 units