Nevine Abraham
Assistant Teaching Professor of Arabic Studies
- POS 341G
Department of Languages, Cultures & Applied Linguistics
4980 Margaret Morrison St
Posner Hall 341
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Ph.D., Twentieth Century French Literature and Culture, The Ohio State UniversityM.A., French Literature, Kent State University
B.A., Faculté des Langues, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Nevine Abraham joined Carnegie Mellon University in 2012 as a French instructor but soon became engaged in developing the Arabic program. Her faculty teaching position started in fall 2022. Throughout Abraham's involvement in the Arabic program at CMU, her teaching experience has focused on the Arabic language and Arab literature and culture. She developed a first-semester online Arabic course that teaches the Arabic writing system, modern standard Arabic, the Egyptian and Levantine dialects and Arab culture.
Abraham's research draws on her teaching to build her students' intercultural competence. It focuses on literary and cultural studies and examines minorities in the intellectual, social and political history of the Middle East and North Africa.
Areas of Interest
- Coptic and contemporary Arab identity
- Human and minority rights
- Arabic literature, citizenship
- Cinema studies and censorship
- Palestinian studies
- Food politics
Courses Taught
- Introduction to French Culture
- Elementary through Advanced Arabic
- Arab Culture Through Dialogue, Film and Literature
- Understanding Cultural Complexities: Minorities in the Middle East and North Africa
- Dietrich College Grand Challenge First-Year Seminar: Palestinian and Israeli Food Cultures
Selected Awards and Honors
- Recipient of the Institute of International Education & The Aspen Institute's Stevens Initiative Harnessing Innovation Through Virtual Exchange (HIVE) Sub-Award, Spring 2018–Fall 2019
- Recipient of The Simon Initiative Seeds Grant, 2023
Selected Community, University & Professional Service
Translation of City of Asylum resident RaMa’s short story “Love is the Essence of Life” and short poems "Scream of Liberation" and "A Vast Void,” Summer 2021
- Volunteer at Jewish Family and Community Services in Pittsburgh and The Alliance for Refugee Youth Support and Education Academy
Selected Publications
Abraham, Nevine. “Copts in the National and Religious Discourses: A Narrative of Resistance in Shady Lewis’s Ṭorok al Rab (Ways of the Lord) (2018).” Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, 11(1). 2024.
24847/v11i12024.393 - Abraham, Nevine (2023). "Mobilizing Religious Differences and Terrorism, Negotiating Civil Rights in Egypt." Digest of Middle East Studies 32(2).
Abraham, Nevine. "Patriarchy, Subordination, and Rise of the Individual in Hisham Matar's In the Country of Men." Arab Studies Quarterly 43 (4). 2021.
"The Complexity of Belonging: Reflections of a Female Copt," ORIGINS, The Markaz Review, September 2021.
- Abraham, Nevine. "Censorship, Public Opinion, and the Representation of Coptic Minority in Contemporary Egyptian Cinema: The Case of Amr Salama’s Lamo’aķhza/Excuse My French (2014)." Journal of African Cinemas 13(2.3), 2021.