Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Instructor: Multiple instructors
Course: Courses in the Design and Production Program,
School of Drama, College of Fine Arts
Assessment: Rubric for Developing Student Self-Assessment Skills


At the end of the semester, all students in the Design and Production Program have performance reviews in which they give short presentations on their work and progress during the semester and receive feedback from faculty. Faculty were concerned that students were not accurately interpreting this feedback and that the students’ self-assessment of their work and progress differed from the faculty’s assessment. The purpose of the rubric is two-fold: (1) to identify any discrepancy between the student’s self-assessment and the faculty’s assessment and (2) to help students develop better self-assessment skills.


Working together, faculty designed an assessment for nine aspects of performance that provided a six-point rating scale (ranging from awful to excellent) for each item. Prior to their performance reviews, students complete this as a self-assessment. After their performance reviews, students complete an assessment that is identical except that it reflects the faculty’s, not the students’, perspectives. Then faculty review these assessments to identify any discrepancies in assessment.


Faculty advisors use these assessments in individual conferences with the students to highlight any discrepancies between a student’s self-assessment and the faculty’s performance criteria. This comparison helps students understand how effectively their performance meets the faculty’s criteria.



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