Carnegie Mellon University
January 28, 2025

*APPLICATIONS DUE FEB. 1, 2025* Apply now to be on the Osher at CMU Board of Directors for 2025-2028!

By Jan Hawkins, Nominating Committee Chair

Dear Fellow Osher Members,

The Osher at CMU Nominating Committee has initiated the annual process for seeking and selecting new members for the Board of Directors.  Applications are due February 1, 2025.

Osher at CMU is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of between 11 and 17 Board members who are eligible to serve one to two, three-year terms. 

We strongly encourage you to apply if you:

  • are an enthusiastic volunteer with Osher,
  • have life-experiences that have prepared you to work collaboratively on a Board of Directors,
  • are able to commit to 10 to 12 meetings each year,
  • want to participate in Osher’s future planning,
  • have special skills, knowledge, or experience that would benefit our governing board.

You can find the application form by clicking the link in the blue box above. Please feel free to e-mail questions you might have to if you believe you might be interested but want further information.

Jan Hawkins, Nominating Committee Chair


Osher at CMU invites interested members to apply to serve on our Board of Directors

Background and Overview

The mission of Osher at CMU is to provide activities for its members that increase their knowledge, sharpen their skills, enhance interactions with their peers, and hone their aesthetic and cultural awareness. Osher at CMU is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors who serve staggered three-year terms, subject to two-term limits. Thus, new Board members are selected annually. A Nominating Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past President and comprised of current board members and representatives of the general membership, reviews applications, interviews qualified applicants, and prepares a slate for election by the Board. This year Osher at CMU expects to select between 1 and 4 new Board members.

Eligibility Requirements for Board Members

    • Member in good standing of Osher at CMU;
    • Active participant in a variety of Osher activities;
    • Demonstrated commitment to the Osher at CMU organization.

Expectations of Board Members:

    • Serve three-year terms, starting on July 1 and ending on June 30 three years later.
    • Attend monthly Board meetings;
    • Provide leadership and commitment through participation in committees, networking within the Osher at CMU community and exploration of new ideas that enhance our program;
    • Participate in Osher at CMU functions;
    • Communicate with our diverse population; and
    • Work effectively with the Osher at CMU Staff and fellow Board members.

Board Responsibilities

    • Establish policies;
    • Determine the mission, purposes, and types of programs;
    • Ensure adequate resources and approve budgets;
    • Develop a vision for the future and provide strategic direction and strategies;
    • Make decisions, including the setting of dues and fees; 
    • Propose changes in the by-laws; and
    • Provide oversight of the Executive Director.

Board Application

If you believe you have talents and enthusiasm that will serve Osher well, please apply for this important and personally fulfilling position. Click the button below and complete the online form. Applications are due by February 1, 2025.

Board Application 2025-2028

The Nominating Committee will interview all qualified applicants between February 15 and March 31. Upon completion of the interview process, the Nominating Committee will recommend a slate to the Board at its April meeting, at which Board members and officers will be elected .