Carnegie Mellon University
April 24, 2020

Bruce Rabin: Managing Stress For Enhanced Health

This is a series of 8 PowerPoint video presentations with audio. The 8 videos will offer education to help you understand the mental and physical effects of stress and will provide you with skills that will minimize the effect of stress on your health. The videos are intended for healthy individuals who will benefit from increased stress-coping skills, and also for individuals with diseases where stress coping can promote an enhanced sense of well being and possibly influence the course of disease. Examples of diseases that may benefit from enhanced stress coping skills include hypertension, depression, asthma, arthritis, cancer, atherosclerotic heart disease, chronic pain, sleep disturbances, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, lupus, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease.

The 8 PowerPoint Videos are:

  • SECTION 1- Overview of stress and how stress alters health
  • SECTION 2- Motivation
  • SECTION 3- The effect of stress on the mind
  • SECTION 4- The effect of stress on the body
  • SECTION 5– Behaviors that reduce the effect of stress on health
  • SECTION 6- Techniques that are useful to reduce the effect of acute stress on health
  • SECTION 7- Techniques that are useful to reduce the effect of chronic stress on health
  • SECTION 8- Guidelines for a long and healthy life
Click here for the eight part series!