Carnegie Mellon University

William Davidson playing the piano at the Annual Meeting.

June 14, 2018

25.5 Annual Meeting Review

By Myra Mamo

“The meeting was so well run and the pianist – breathtaking!” was Randy Weinberg’s description of the first annual meeting he attended as an Osher student and instructor.  The Annual Meeting, covering January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017, held on May 17, 2018 in the Kresge Theater at CMU’s College of Fine Arts.  The talented and accomplished William Davidson performed Schuman’s Symphonic Etudes.  The audience was spellbound by his dramatic presentation. 

President, John Olmsted, conducted the business of the meeting very efficiently with wit and clever power point Illustrations.   He has worked hard during his term as president.  One of his many accomplishments was to acquire more space to expand the Osher presence on the CMU campus.

The treasurer, Greg Wright (out of town), reported in the Annual Report, “Our basic business proposition has been and remains sound albeit expenses growing faster than revenues and the Board is engaged in addressing this challenge.”  During the meeting, Roz Goorin, incoming Treasurer, reported that as a result the board voted to raise annual dues and semester tuition, but contends, “Osher is still the best bargain in town!” 

Highlights of the half-year’s activities included touting a roster of over 2400 members.  Also, the administration embraced a ‘green philosophy’ using technology to distribute class material and communicate with students.  The talented office staff:  Lyn Decker, Chris Dashti, Chelsea Prestia and former employee, Wyatt Walter-Dawahare, published professional schedule catalogs and maintained an easy-to-use website for members to schedule classes and to stay up to date. And finally, next time you visit the CMU campus and see the bright Adirondack chairs on the lawn, take pride knowing this was a gift from Osher to CMU commemorating Osher’s 25th year. 

John Olmsted presented the slate of new board members:  Circe Curley, Janice Hawkins, Mona Strassburger and Marcia Taylor who will be presented for election at the 26th Annual Meeting in August.  He also recognized the outgoing board members for their service:  Joan Bernard and Byron Gottfried, and the outgoing officers for their service: Immediate Past President Joe Shirk, Secretary, Rosalie Barsotti, Treasurer Greg Wright, and himself, President.  As John wrapped up his final annual meeting as President, he thanked the board but noted he will continue to be active as the immediate Past President.  The board recognized him with a Carnegie tartan blanket from Scotland embroidered with the CMU and Osher logos.

The members attending the Annual Meeting congregated in the lobby for a photo-op, which will be sent to the National Osher Organization.  Osher at CMU is one of 123 Osher organizations across the nation.  Alan James, current Vice-President and board member said he attributes the success of Osher at CMU to, “the caliber of volunteers that come to us have strong backgrounds.  They add to the program making it one of the largest Osher organizations in the country.”