Carnegie Mellon University

Major Carter

January 20, 2023

Carnegie Mellon University presents the 2023 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Keynote Lecture featuring Majora Carter

Wednesday, January 25 from 5-6:15 p.m. 
Rangos Ballroom, Cohon University Center

Click Here to Register

Real estate developer, urban revitalization strategy consultant, MacArthur Fellow, Peabody Award winning broadcaster and lecturer at Princeton University's Keller Center

She is responsible for the creation of numerous economic development, technology inclusion and green-infrastructure projects, policies and job training and placement systems. Majora is quoted on the walls of the Smithsonian Museum of African-American History and Culture: "Nobody should have to move out of their neighborhood to live in a better one” — which is also the subtitle of her 2022 book, “Reclaiming Your Community.”

Click here for more information about Majora Carter