Only $100,000 more to go!!!
We are down to our last $100,000 to raise!!! The 4.0 fund raising effort can be wrapped up by the end of January if we each give a little or a little more. Please help complete this effort by making a donation or a pledge to the 4.0 Capital Project by 1.31.22. 2022 is a new year to make a donation from your IRA or retirement plan. Please consider this project as you decide to give.
Checks should be made payable to Carnegie Mellon University - 4.0 Osher Project. Mail your contribution to:
Carnegie Mellon University
Osher 4.0 Project
5000 Forbes Ave – Cyert Hall #B
Pittsburgh, PA 15213.
On behalf of the Board and the 4.0 Committee thank you!
Lyn Decker / Executive Director