Floured Hands ZIG is EXPANDING!
By Kathy Hull
The Osher at CMU Floured Hands Zoom-In Group (ZIG) has been meeting regularly for over a year now. We have shared recipes and techniques for making many different breads, from basic white to sourdough, focaccia and rolls; to sweets like scones, rugelach, and desserts like galette and peanut butter pie; and even wood-fired pizza. By sharing and learning about bread, our ZIG has brought together a group of individuals who have become “Zoom friends”, and who have now found opportunities to meet face-to-face and continue to share friendship and interest in baking.
One participant, Amy Dresbold, shared “Our bread ZIG has been wonderful! I had no knowledge of baking bread before we got together. I have learned so much from everyone and have enjoyed every minute. It has been so nice making new friends and sharing our knowledge and recipes. We have expanded our recipes into anything made with flour. Having this group during COVID gave me something to look forward to each time we got together. The demonstrations have been fun and informative. My family and friends have benefitted greatly from all of the things that I have made! “
Nancy Bernard adds, “It has been a good experience learning new recipes and making new friends.”
Floured Hands is now meeting once a month on the second Tuesday of the month from 10AM-11AM. The ZIG is expanding the group size from 10 to 15 participants. Floured Hands friends welcome your participation. If you would like to join, please register for: Floured Hands ZIG. Class ID: 3418.