Osher at CMU to Launch SIG - Friday Forum
The Osher at CMU Executive Committee recently approved a new Special Interest Group (SIG) called Friday Forum!
Friday Forum will be a series of single lectures on a variety of topics with innovative and inspiring speakers drawn from among authors, filmmakers, artists, musicians, as well as media and political figures. The intent will be to invite speakers who attract attention based on their contributions to literature, the arts, history or current events. A typical Friday Forum event will consist of the speaker’s presentation followed by an appropriate period of Q&A.
Our SIG - Friday Forum coordinator is Carol Wood. Over the past five years, Carol has served as the Chair of Friday Forum at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Temple University, Center City, Philadelphia. In addition, she was a Co-Chair of the Arts and Interests Committee at the Cosmopolitan Club of Philadelphia. In this function, Carol provided speakers for luncheons and dinner events of the Club. Carol and her husband recently returned to Pittsburgh and joined Osher at CMU. She holds an M.B.A. and an M.A.T. from the University of Pittsburgh and a B.A. from Chatham College. We are very excited that Carol offered to start Friday Forum for us and look forward to its success.
Friday Forum will meet on Friday afternoon’s beginning at 1:00 pm, either virtually online on Zoom, or in person in the Cyert Hall Osher Institute Center on level B. To participate in the Friday Forum SIG, you must first be registered in the SIG - Friday Forum invitation List by searching for course ID 3968. All that are registered in this course will start to receive invitations to register for upcoming Friday Forum lectures. Those registered for the SIG will receive the first opportunity to sign up. Once this group has had the opportunity to register an announcement will go out to the rest of the membership to register for the remaining seats, if any. To participate, everyone must be a member in good standing with current dues paid. No registration fees will be required. No outside guests will be allowed unless the enrollment is not full.
First Up! On September 24, Osher at CMU will launch Friday Forum with a virtual guest appearance by noted author Susan Ronald. Ronald will discuss her new book, The Ambassador: Joseph P Kennedy at the Court of St. James, 1938-40. Registration details are listed below!
We hope to publish our schedule of additional speakers in the near future!
We hope to see you there!