Zoom Hints We Learned From Week One
Please review these tips to help ensure a quality Zoom experience:
- Don’t get locked out. Log in up to seven minutes early, because instructors have the option to lock the class to latecomers a few minutes after class begins
- Keep the Zoom ID and password for each of your courses in a safe place, and check your email inbox for any updates such as if the password was changed before the first day of class. Passwords will be reused from week to week. Contact the office if you can’t find the codes.
- Tops of heads and nose hairs are not pleasant to look at. Set up your video camera so that your face appears in the middle of your screen. Position your screen so it is face high. If you have two screens, look at the one with the camera.
- Try not to be a distraction. If you need to dance, stretch, or go get something, close off your video. Turn it back on when you can sit still again.
- Raise your hand and let your instructor acknowledge you before speaking.
- Close other programs on your computer before the start of class, so that sounds don’t come up each time a program sends you a notification. Since you will keep your microphone muted when you are not speaking, closing programs other than Zoom will prevent background sounds from interrupting you when you are asking a question or making a comment.
- Mute your phone and TV.
- If you have a hard time hearing, go to the ^ next to the Zoom microphone to test and increase the sound.
Zoom Training Session
If you had a tough time with classes this week, or have classes beginning in the second session, please join us for a Zoom training session on Tuesday, May 12th at 11AM.
We will cover logging into the system, meeting tools, and any tips to ensure a good class experience.
Register for this training online with ID 3459 or by emailing osher@cmu.edu.