Carnegie Mellon University
April 17, 2020

Revised Summer 2020 Catalog: View the courses being offered this summer

While the production of the Osher Catalog is a labor of love, it is an extremely time consuming activity.  To produce a revised catalog is also time consuming.  The revised catalog only shows the courses that are offered this summer.  The ones not running have been whited out.  The Day of the Week and Index pages in the back of the catalog have not been, nor will they be, revised.

If you pick your courses by the day of the week, when the registration system is turned on, you will be able to enter the day of the week in the search bar and all of that day’s courses will appear.  The search bar will also access your course if you enter the Class ID, the study leader name, or the course name.

We are asking a favor: since many of you attend classes with another person living in your household, and because you’ll probably be attending online classes together, please register separately. We ask this because we need to see our stats.  More importantly, we do expect a loss in revenue this year because of the situation we are all in.  We don’t want to have to cut back on services or staff.  We can avoid both if everyone who attends pays their summer registration fee, if they can. Thank you!

Click Here for the Revised Summer 2020 Catalog

A Full List of Summer 2020 Online Courses!

If you would like to quickly look for a course, here is the full list of Summer 2020 Online courses.

Summer 2020 Online Courses (.pdf)

Download Zoom

As the Summer 2020 term begins, we recommend paying attention to your email confirmations, your registrations on your profile, and the online revised catalog. Please discard your paper catalogs; they will not be helpful during this time of change.

All classes will be offered through an online video conferencing platform called Zoom. We recommend downloading Zoom to your computer, tablet, or phone before the beginning of the term and familiarizing yourself with the tips and tricks. If you need help, please review our Zoom Tips and Hints page on our website.

Zoom Tips and Hints

Important Information about the Revised Summer 2020 Catalog

  • All classes will take place online through Zoom.
  • Classes that are running are clearly marked with black text.
  • Classes that are NOT running are marked out, and the text is light and unreadable.
  • Please write down which courses you would like to attend before registration begins. 



We highly recommend registering online. Since the Osher office is currently working from home, we cannot guarentee that we will recieve and process registration forms in a timely manner. 

Please review our How To Register video:

How To Register Video

If you have questions or concerns about registration, please email