Floured Hands Bread ZIG Rocks the Kitchen
By Jeff Holst
The Osher at CMU “Floured Hands” Zoom Interest Group (ZIG) has been meeting regularly since last spring. We have shared recipes and techniques for making many different breads, from basic white to sourdough, focaccia and rolls; to sweets like scones, rugelach and deserts like galette; and even wood fired pizza. Each bi-weekly meeting featured a member of the group leading a Zoom session, demonstrating preparation, mixing, rising (“proofing”), and baking, with the finished product always on display. One session was dedicated to different types of flour, with a member demonstrating how to grind flour from wheat. The group even made up their own aprons (see photos below)! By sharing and learning about bread, our ZIG has brought together a group of individuals who have become “Zoom friends”, and who will look for opportunities to meet face-to-face and become just “regular friends” when these difficult times are behind us.
Jean McClosky - Paula Zawadzki